Strong but flavorful ?

in Tobacco Talk
My wife and I enjoy smoking together at night whenever I can get off work at a decent time. I have around 10 jars of different blends in my cellar. We are looking for some blends that are strong nicotine wise, but not harsh while smoking. Any thoughts? Can be aro or non-aro. I remember in an earlier discussion of mine everyone talking about Frog Morton but now that option is gone(in the future).
I haven't had this particular blend, but I have had two others in this line and they are some of my very favorites. Truly excellent tobaccos.
I had some Samuel Gawith Kendal Twist #4 once. I had just gotten into the pipe, and can't tell you much about the flavor. But I do know I stood up and had to sit right back down again.
I tend to go for stronger blends myself and after many years started tinkering with aromatics again. I use Five Brothers, I like the taste and find even though it’s on the drier side and gives it that extra body and hit I like.