Wrong about burley
in Tobacco Talk
has anyone else had a skewed view of burley in the past? I had a couple of burley blends that knocked my socks off, so i stopped ordering anything with burley in it. I love country squire blends so i ordered northwest trek and hunting creek, unbeknownst to me northwest trek is more Burley based, turns out i loved that one and preferred it over the hunting creek blend( very similar, with more Virginia’s and less burley). Turns out burley is something i really appreciate and love, i just didn’t know it. I was wrong about burley. Bag end and white rose also have burley in them and i love those blends as well. Thanks to Jon David, I’ve got this sorted and can now open up to a new world of blends that contain burley (knowingly anyhow)
Anyway, here's a quick course on Burley......
Excerpt from Guide to Pipe Tobacco by Randolph Tracy:
<<Burley (used for most Aromatic tobaccos.) This is a "mutant" strain of tobacco, first emerging in 1868, that has come to dominate today's tobacco market. The plants and leaves are at least twice as large as other varieties and the leaves are a very pale green that cures to a pale beige. The nicotine content is high, around 3% - 3.5%, and the sugars are very low, around 0.2%.
The plant is robust and the crop yields are high and as a result, Burley is the mainstay of the American cigarette manufacturers, although small amounts of Orientals are often added to improve burning characteristics and flavor. It burns very cool with very little "bite," but it burns somewhat poorly and also with very little flavor (somewhat reminiscent of cardboard.) However, it has the property of "accepting" added flavorings beautifully, so this is the single most popular tobacco for "aromatic" blends, soaking up and holding just about any flavor you care to add. As a result, it dominates the pipe tobacco market as well as the cigarette market, since most pipe tobaccos sold are aromatics.
There are a few "straight" Burley blends around that use high-grade pressed, matured leaf carefully blended, and they are exceptionally "dry," very cool smoking and much appreciated by some pipe-smokers.
Kentucky Burley -- Burley from Kentucky that has been fire cured. It darkens the leaf and intensifies the flavor. The African version is Malawi leaf, darker and very spicy. >>
Haunted Bookshop is really good too. That stuff scratches the occasional Burley itch that comes along.