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Dogs of the pipe world

This is my new puppy, I’m only posting this because my wife and i named her Piper. Also i walk her while smoking a bowl sometimes, anyone else?


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    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. (Written by a dog person who is stuck living with an opinionated, elderly cat. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.)
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    Wow, those pipes are awesome!
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    @TaylorJDutton Beautiful puppy!  Best of luck with her.

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    @Woodsman The one in the red sweater looks as if it's had way too much coffee! The one in the white sweater looks mellow and relaxed (must have drank the de-caffeinated blend)... :)

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    Right on with all the dogs! Thanks @Charles she can be a bit of a stinker, but she’s great, she actually sat patiently today whilst i tamped mid-walk @Topaz75 nice to see you have a couple of smoking companions! @Kmhartle right on, rescuing is awesome, we decided to go with puppy so we can make sure to train her around children, but adopting/rescuing is great! @Woodsman I’m with @KA9FFJ
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    @KA9FFJ You've got that right, the one in the red is the little nut case that lives with us, a terror in a teacup. 4 pounds of raving fury. Rescued from the streets of Weehawkin and brought to us by my Daughter because he was going insane at any noise threatening to get her evicted. The Chihuahua is truly laid back.
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    Believe it or not, you'll notice that both dogs are in safety Harnesses. The Republic of New Jersey requires dogs to be restrained in cars.

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    motie2motie2 Master
    edited February 2018

    The "Republic of New Jersey" has scared doctors so badly that they will not prescribe even low level pain meds. Taken, screaming because of sciatica pain, to the ER in an ambulance early in December, where I was x-rayed, sonogrammed and sent home with advice to take four OTC ibuprofen three times a day. 

    Doctors are no longer in charge of your medical care in NJ. That is determined by lawyers, actuaries, and law enforcement. This, along with two things that doctors did back in 2000, following my cancer surgery, has led to a life where I won't go to the doctor even if I'm sick. It has to be really bad before I'll agree to make a doctor's appointment. And I insist on making decisions regarding treatment, and not leave it the doctor.

    The doctors said I had to have radiation following surgery, and then I'd have an 80% chance of living five years --- they gave no odds if I refused. They also said the radiation (Large aperture/high intensity) would make me an invalid for the rest of my life. I said hell no and walked away. That was 18 years ago.

    Following surgery I developed a "post-surgical neuropathy." (Sciatica for no reason following surgery.) My MSKCC surgeon didn't want to be bothered, so he gave me a prescription for TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY morphine tablets. 

    I've had this sciatica since the day after Thanksgiving, and so far I have received a lot of hemming and hawing.... but no treatment. I had to pressure one doctor into giving me a prescription for amitriptyline and gabapentin. (Doctors LOVE being told what to prescribe). Those are the two drugs that got me through in 2000. Why would the doctors not prescribe it again? They are not the dreaded and now taboo opioids.

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    @motie2 Have you tried a reputable chiropractor? For years I dismissed chiropractics as a legitimate treatment option. My sciatica (caused by a lower vertebrae bulged disc) was excruciating for years. I finally broke down and saw a chiropractor. Immediate relief! Pain free (and pain medicine free) for years. I'm now a believer. 
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    Oh, yes. I have a miracle worker to whom I have gone with back troubles. This time, after three visits, Dr. Rachel said you really need to see a MD.
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    All this dog lover can say is great posts by everyone who posted a photo of their dog(s)!  I'm stuck with an old cat we rescued years ago who's losing his vision, hearing and in some ways, his mind.  Never particularly friendly or affectionate.  Typically self-centered and distant.  Where he once never made a sound, he now meows so loud he sounds like a crying infant because he's got a load in his diaper or wants food.  Fun.
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    I'm a dog lover; was raised with dogs from age 5 to 18.

    Now I'm stuck with a cat.
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    @ghostsofpompeii that is a beautiful dog. Sorry for your loss.
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    Having gone through the loss of Canine Famulae 3 times it doesn't get any easier, I tell myself "That's it,no more" and down the road there's a sad eyed pup and it starts all over again. 
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    Right now, the family cat is dying; we've had him to the vet several times; he won't eat; losing weight; vet says just a matter of time.........

    I finally get to have a dog!!!!!!!!!
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    @motie2 A man and his dog are so perfect.
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    @ghostsofpompeii Border Collies are amazing. I was lucky to work with one on a cattle ranch when I was a kid. That dog did amazing things and had such a sense of pride about it's work. Sorry for your loss.
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    In addition to my faithful German Shepherd that I rescued 4 years ago (although I'm wondering who actually rescued who) my wife rescued a 4 pound ankle biter chihuahua 2 years ago.  The dog hates, and has bitten everyone in the household but me.  For some reason this little ball of demonic fur and fangs loves me to death. The funny thing is, everyone who visits is afraid of the German Shepherd but the true threat is the chihuahua. She is afraid of nothing and puts the GS in her spot several times a day. 

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    I'm pretty sure, though, that there were no pipe smokers in the movie "A Boy and His Dog" with the guy who later starred in Miami Vice.
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    Don Johnson as a teenager.....
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    @AnantaAndroscoggin Oh wow, "A Boy and his Dog"; I read Harlan Ellison's story and knew he was on his way to something great. The movie was a major comedown for me, it was the first movie I played in my brand new Sony Betamax.
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