That is a difficult question. As I think about it, I tend to smoke my Nording pipes the most often. I'd have to go with Nording based on that. Although, my favorite and best smoking pipe is the first pipe I bought nearly 30 years ago. A no name straight rusticated apple from a seconds bin at a local tobacconist. It may have cost me $10 or $15 back then. It's the pipe I'd keep.
Easy: My original EA Carey apple from my first pipe life, circa 1965. After quitting pipe smoking in the mid '8o's, I kept only three pipes: two Carey's and one Duncan Hill Aerosphere.
@Charles, it is the only one I have that holds a LOT of tobacco, and never seems to get too hot to hold. I got lucky on this one. PS the stem pops out easily to dump any moisture, and then re-inserts quickly to keep going. I love it.
Yea this is a tough one if I could only have one I am guessing I would keep one I have made so I will say this one mainly because it has such beautiful straight grain it is one of the first ones I made and I just love it although I have yet to smoke it.
@Corey562 Can't blame you. Especially since it's one of the first ones you made. And besides, how often are you going to get a block to give you what that one did?
I would have to say the one I love the most in my small collection is my Rossi Rubino. Is the perfect balance and bowl size and it looks pretty sexy I must say. My Savinelli Piazza Di Spanga would be tied.
@Corey562, hmmmm there are a lot of ideas in my head for that block. I can see several great designs jump at me. Wish I had the tools I would dig it out and show ya what I'm thinking. I'm sure you will make it most spectacular and special for sure.
This is a tough one, as I like some pipes for how they smoke my favorite tobacco, and they wouldn't necessarily smoke well with other blends.
If I had to go with one, I'd pick my Peterson 01 that I picked up from Peterson's of Dublin. It's a quarter bent pipe that hangs well in the jaw, and I've never had a bad smoke in it.
If I could grab a second, it would be my Nording Beaver apple pipe. For two years, it was my white whale pipe, and I was so happy to finally pick one up on ebay. It's one of the first pipes I'd reach for if my pipes were in danger.
@Corey562 That's an unbelievable looking block! By now you have the experience and know-how to make something spectacular. There's a beautiful pipe in there begging to be released. Any plans for the near future, or are you planning to sit on it for a while?
my erik stokkebye 4th generation. the pipes in that line are so unique, and fit my taste perfectly, also, the one i have smokes wonderfully. id have 10 if i could!
Hands down, without hesitation, my answer to this question is "J. Alan Pipes." Jeff Gracik is a true artisan, who can match or best any of the Danish pipe carvers. When I think about the fact that he is only 38 years old, I marvel at his skill at such a young age. Many artisan grade carvers have attended Jeff's pipe workshops. As soon as you pick up one of his pipes, you will truly know the definition of flawless.
Here is a video of one of his workshops, where he is talking to the San Diego Pipe Club, as well as a link to his site.
EACarey Apple
If I had to go with one, I'd pick my Peterson 01 that I picked up from Peterson's of Dublin. It's a quarter bent pipe that hangs well in the jaw, and I've never had a bad smoke in it.
If I could grab a second, it would be my Nording Beaver apple pipe. For two years, it was my white whale pipe, and I was so happy to finally pick one up on ebay. It's one of the first pipes I'd reach for if my pipes were in danger.
Hands down, without hesitation, my answer to this question is "J. Alan Pipes." Jeff Gracik is a true artisan, who can match or best any of the Danish pipe carvers. When I think about the fact that he is only 38 years old, I marvel at his skill at such a young age. Many artisan grade carvers have attended Jeff's pipe workshops. As soon as you pick up one of his pipes, you will truly know the definition of flawless.
Here is a video of one of his workshops, where he is talking to the San Diego Pipe Club, as well as a link to his site.