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Big crowd at the pipe meeting

The New Orleans Pipe Club had our first meeting of 2018 last night and we started the year off with a bang. A total of 18 pipe smokers attended, including 5 new members. Paul's Pipes donated a Dublin pipe and 3 t-shirts which we held drawings for and gave away. We plan on doing some type of door prize raffles occasionally as we meet throughout the year. We also presented Honorary Membership certificates to Larry Ackerman and Joe Vicari, the 2 guys who run the Mayan Imports Metairie location and a Corporate Membership to Mayan Imports for the support the provide out club.


  • @PappyJoe, that is freakin awesome that you had that many pipe smokers in attendance, as well as the participation from brick and mortar location owners. If you have the ability to move the meeting location around to different brick and mortars, that could really make the club thrive for everyone involved! Congrats brother, we need more pipe smokers promoting the hobby in this fashion!
  • Love seeing these types of posts! It keeps me optimistic about the growing interest in pipe smoking.
  • @xDutchx - 3 of the new attendees were younger men (Under 35 years old) so that is encouraging.
    Unfortunately, the other local B&Ms are either in buildings where smoking is not allowed or the smoking areas aren't big enough. There is another shop would a good size smoking lounge but they aren't as pipe friendly and carry less than a third of what Mayan does. 
  • @PappyJoe, just do your best to work with the brick and mortar owners. In most cases, they are doing the best they can, with the space they can afford. The goal should be to grow the club, while at the same time benefitting the local B&M. Sometimes it is best to let the B&M owners take the lead, so that you don't begin to feel like you have a new job. Remember that you are there for relaxation and enjoyment, and the owners of the venue are there to make money. As long as you don't find yourself having to clean up after everyone leaves, you are golden! LoL!
  • @xDutchx - We have discussed having the meeting in one of the other locations but both presents problems with parking and the size of smoking areas. We even asked the other B&M with a good size smoking lounge about having a meeting there and they just wasn't interested. 

    The Mayan shop has welcomed up with open arms and even allows us to stock the office refrigerator with beer for the meeting. Part of our good relationship is because we do clean up after ourselves. 
  • @PappyJoe, wow what a great looking venue. Amazing turnout too. A big congratulations is in order!  Good to see you have new members and younger to boot. Do you know how they heard of the club? Are the winds a changin?
  • It's great to see that level of interest.  Heck, the fact you even have a club is an accomplishment these days.  As I've mentioned before, we have one here in Connecticut too (the Hartford Reading Society).  Our meeting was also last night with 10 in attendance (down from 18 at the December meeting).  One of the guys in the lounge smoking a cigar was so inspired by us, he bought a pipe and had his first bowl ever.  I would say we average right around a dozen or more at each meeting.  I'll post some pictures of our gathering too in the near future.  
  • As a member of the Chicago Pipe Collectors Club, I have a suggestion. We pay $10 dues at most meetings. Each meeting also has a raffle of 3 gift cards from the B&M we meet in. The shop is happy, since we are buying their stock. We are happy to have a warm friendly place to smoke with other guys. The owner loves our group. 
  • @Londy3 - The shop allowed us to put a flyer at the counter and we have a facebook page. 
    @Winton - We were more or less an unofficial club until last summer when we decided to formalize the club. We are now a non-profit LLC. We charge $25 a year membership dues for regular members and $20 for non-voting associate members (those living out of the area). Pretty much everyone attending the meeting shops at the Mayan Imports location and they made a lot of sales last night. Each new member gets a polo shirt with our logo embroidered on it. 
  • Nice Pappy, good group.
  • @PappyJoe - It is really fun to meet with other smokers. At our last meeting, I took my nephew and showed him how to load, smoke, and clean a pipe. He wants to come again to the next meeting on Saturday. 
  • How cool is this! Wish we had something like that here... There is the LA Pipe club..hmm..haha
  • Whish we have one like this here at Orlando, Florida.
  • The only active known pipe club in Philly is the Plumber's Union Local 690.  Technically, they are pipe experts and have been smoking pipes longer then most.
  • daveinlaxdaveinlax Connoisseur
    The only active known pipe club in Philly is the Plumber's Union Local 690.  Technically, they are pipe experts and have been smoking pipes longer then most.

    Paging Les Trout! The Christopher Morley Pipe Club is one of the most if not he most prestigious pipe clubs in the country. They have/had some of the worlds top collectors as members. They meet monthly at a private smoke friendly literary club/ pub that serves food. If I were closer I'd drive a hundred miles or more to attend  
  • That's great to see such a turn out for your pipe club @PappyJoe . I hope it only continues to grow and build a solid core of regular members.
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