Interesting new birds at the feeder today.

in The Lounge
Is that a Black Capped Chicadee or a Tufted Titmouse??!

Deer in your own backyard, are one of the finest pleasures in life. Some folks think that because I hunt them, I have no respect for them, but the reality is quite the opposite. Deer need to be managed, into a sizeable population based on Department of Conversation standards. When they are not, some end up starving to death, and that takes around 3 days. A very slow and agonizing capitulation. A sharp broadhead properly placed, leaves the deer feeling the equivalent of a bee sting, and the quick experience of passing out.
IMO, the whitetail deer, is the most challenging game animal to achieve close proximity, after the coyote. Thing is, the coyote is not fit to eat, and he purposely does that, in order to up his batting average.
Those inside venison tenderloins, are one of the finest delicacies in life. IMO, much better than fish eggs or pork brains and scrambled eggs.
This young lady and her fawn have been joining us every day since Thanksgiving.I started putting out corn for her
and the squirlls so the birds can get some food also.
I have seen an otter in our yard as we are only several hundred feet from the bay area, we have bald eagles, red tail hawks, kestrels, falcons, owls, raptors of all kinds, and so many, many species of birds. We have a groundhog that lives beneath our remote garden shed. We have rabbits, chipmunks, voles, mice, muskrats, and things I still cannot identify with confidence.
I figure it this way: We are actually living in their world. I appreciate that they 'allow" us to do so. On any given day we get incredible numbers of different bird species, particularly during the 2 migrations each year. We are directly on the "Eastern Flyway" and have thousands of ducks and geese flying just over the trees as they take of for, or descend to the game preserve.
I used to be an avid waterfowl hunter, but not anymore. I guess getting older I figure they have it tough enough without me shooting at them. I would rather bask in their beauty and enjoy nature. And besides, I can sit outside and just enjoy their company. And what better way to do that than with a pipe full of my favorite tobaccos.
It really is a good life. Thank God I enjoy it.