Take a quick look at the Peterson website (https://peterson.ie). I am guessing they haven't made the 4AB in a while because I didn't see anything with that nomenclature on the site. I did look around the internet and found a reference to a 309 shape that Basil Rathbone smoked, but it's not shown on the website either. My guess is that when the introduced the Sherlock Holmes series of pipes, they renamed it and it's the Sherlock Holmes Original.
The following night to continue the celebration I watched the exceptional movie "Mr. Holmes" with Ian McCellum (I think I spelled it wrong). Holmes is now a 93 year old retired detective and beekeeper living out his final years struggling with the on-set of a failing memory. But before it escapes him completely, he struggles to pen the actual events leading up to his retirement as opposed to the flowery and romantic telling of Watson's tale ... and it's a race against time to set the facts straight, as Holmes blocked the case from his mind due to the traumatic nature of the case ... yet now that his mind is working against him he struggles to retrieve the facts which come to him as disjointed memories. It's also a very charming tale of Holmes relationship with the son of his housekeeper, who proves to be the catalyst to aid Holmes in his recollections.
Came across this and thought I'd share It looks similar in appearance to the one we have seen Basil Rathbone smoking in the old 1940s movies but it is is quite different in detail.
Hmmmm . . . I wonder if one could consider "The Talons of Weng Chiang" episode of Dr Who (a Tom Baker era episode) would be considered a Sherlock Holmes tribute -- or send-up?
Actually Sherlock Holmes birthday is today, so disregard the heading of my original post. I thought I'd re-post it for Holmes fans who might want to celebrate the occasion tonight with a Sherlock Holmes film festival. Tonight I'm going old school and watching as many Rathbone.Bruce movies as time allows.
My Dad originally turned me on to the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce Holmes series when I was a kid. We'd watch the movies each Sunday afternoon on Channel 9 (WGN in Chicago). Years later when I became an adult (some might dispute that) we'd still manage to sync up and watch a Holmes film when-ever January 6th. came around. Even when he lived in Florida I'd call him and remind him it was Holmes birthday - and we'd come to some agreement on which film to watch. I'd be in Indiana and he'd be in Florida ... yet in spirit we'd be together just like old times. Before he passed away last year he moved back to Indiana to live with my sister so I got a chance to see him on a regular basis. And even though both his eye sight and hearing was failing we still managed to celebrate Holmes birthday last January in our usual way. Little did I know that was to be the last time we'd be celebrating the occasion together.
I'd like to think that right now he's bantering with Basil Rathbone, Jeremy Brett, Ronald Coleman, and Peter Cushing as to who portray the best version of Sherlock Holmes. And as outspoken as my Dad was, I'm sure he's insulted one of them by now.
Original Strand Magazine sketch:
Here's Holmes with a 4AB
The following night to continue the celebration I watched the exceptional movie "Mr. Holmes" with Ian McCellum (I think I spelled it wrong). Holmes is now a 93 year old retired detective and beekeeper living out his final years struggling with the on-set of a failing memory. But before it escapes him completely, he struggles to pen the actual events leading up to his retirement as opposed to the flowery and romantic telling of Watson's tale ... and it's a race against time to set the facts straight, as Holmes blocked the case from his mind due to the traumatic nature of the case ... yet now that his mind is working against him he struggles to retrieve the facts which come to him as disjointed memories. It's also a very charming tale of Holmes relationship with the son of his housekeeper, who proves to be the catalyst to aid Holmes in his recollections.
I've emailed Peterson and asked them that very question. I'll let you guys know when I get a reply.
It looks similar in appearance to the one we have seen Basil Rathbone smoking in the old 1940s movies but it is is quite different in detail.
The sound of injustice
A portrait of Arthur Conan Doylehttps://www.alpascia.com/moments/d/The-sound-of-injustice-i23092.html
You stole Watson’s satche, or he stole yours. 😬
Sherlock Holmes stories audio books
Playlist no longer exists....