Need some help in rehumidifying tobacco that has gotten to dry, please!
in Tobacco Talk
I have some Mac Barren tobacco that, due to my being hospitalized & then going thru rehab has dried out! I thought that I saw some posts on here somewhere that looked very interesting, but I cannot find them now! Your guidance and help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot, & Merry Christmas!
Perhaps they don't know the answers like the members do! Merry Christmas, @mfresa!
"Tried & True Ways to (re)Moisten Dry Tobacco?"
Your entry forced me to go back and reread these posts.
@xDutchx used the same method I still use today...
To add to this technique, instead of confining it to a Tupperware container, I sometimes just fine mist the underside of the lid of my mason jar(s) with distilled water and place them back on the shelf. Then I check on them in 1 or 2 days. If I find them still wanting, I repeat... works for me...
Other words that have no rhyme include: silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.