A Bourbon Bleu Review

in Tobacco Talk
This is from a sample I received in a tobacco order.
Bourbon Bleu
I smelled the hay. I smelled something reminiscent of a vinegary BBQ Sauce - it was probably the Perique.
I fell in love with the smell when I opened the half ounce sample pouch and stuck my nose into it.
I broke off one corner and rubbed it out. Looked at what I had and decided it wasn't enough to fill the bowl of the Missouri Meerschaum The Shire cobbit I planned on smoking it in. So, I broke off some more, smelled it again and something just compelled me to keep breaking it up and rubbing it out. (Sinful I know but now the entire sample was ready to smoke).
The next step was to light it. Light it. Light it. Light it. For a tobacco that felt fairly dry the Bourbon Blue just didn't want to stay lit at first. I persevered and eventually was rewarded with a steady cloud of smoke.
And I smelled the hay. It took me back to fresh cut hay fields and early fall hayrides. Bourbon? I read that it was supposed to have bourbon in it but tobaccoreviews.com says it has no flavoring. If there is, it is so subtle that the only time I tasted bourbon was when I sipped the Knobb Creek in my glass.
There was some sweetness but I attributed this more to the Virginia tobacco than anything else.
Anyway, I found it to be a slow burning, cool smoke. Every once in a while I would pick up a hint of pepper which I also attributed to the small amount of Perique in the blend. Then when I got to about a half bowl, I started noticing less hay and more of that Perique aroma I remember from a tour of the L.A. Poche Perique location last October. It was a rich, sweet, fruity aroma that slowly gave way to the hay smell of the Virginias.
Reviews I've read has the Bourbon Blue as a mild-to-medium strength smoke. It may have been because I smoked it on an empty stomach, but I feel it's more of a medium-to-strong. As I got closer to the bottom of the bowl I could feel the nicotine hit building. I recommend not smoking this on an empty stomach, but after a good meal.
I found this to be a good Virginia based blend and I enjoyed smoking it. My oldest son liked it enough to take the rest of this sample and another small cube of Bourbon Bleu when I wasn't watching. He smoked through it in two days. I will buy a tin or two and tuck it away in my cellar and open it again in the fall. When I get nostalgic for a hay ride.
When you have the time, more reviews like Bourbon Bleu, please. I really enjoyed reading it!