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  • Thought I would post some then and now pix reflecting on those terrible days.
  • I was home on leave awaiting shipment to Germany when that happened. I called in to the replacement depot to see if leaves were cancelled and they gave me TDY till after Christmas, in effect giving me Freebee no charge leave. The whole Country was in mourning. They cancelled leave for the Air Force and Navy but the Army just paused.
  • It's said people Remember exactly where they were when this dark day occurred, I was in gym class in high school in Buffalo,New York when the word came down.Such a terrible time.I can Remember that night just being scared and a hopeless empty feeling. Of course more was to come that weekend.Thank you for your story.

  • @buflosab, pretty cool way of showing the pics. Like it
  • His idea of citizenship seems to have been reversed over the years. I remember his famous speech where he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Of course I'm speaking in generalities, but for the most part, that ideal / philosophy has been reversed... That's just my perspective from where I'm sitting...
    It was indeed a sad day that has been burned in many of our minds, never to be forgotten...
  • Today, everything is upside-down. I don't even recognize this country anymore. I feel like a stranger here. Very sad.
  • @KA9FFJ - I agree with you. In today's world, Kennedy would be a Republican because he stood against a lot of things the Democratic party is for these days. But that's just my opinion. 
    For example, JFK was a cigar smoker. Smoking's not allowed in the Democratic party. Instead of asking what you can do for your country these days, it is more of demanding that the "rich white" people (i.e. the Taxpayers) pay for everything you feel you are entitled to.
  • AnthonyAnthony Apprentice
    I was in Miss Johns first grade class , when the Principal came in and told us what happened and we offered a prayer for his family. It was a Christian school so we could do that. I also do wish we still lived by his words, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for your country. Yet if you read what we all have said here there is still hope, because there are many of us that believe that way. Also no matter what when you back us Americans to the wall , we unite and come out fighting! remember 911!  
  • I was in Mrs. Minette's high school French class when the news came over the PA.
    Mrs. Minette said, "The President would want us to continue with today's lesson."
  • It would be 11 months later that I was born, yet I feel like I lived through it given all that has been written about it.  I remember looking at the Time (or Life?) magazine leather bound book "The Torch is Passed"  my parents bought which had all of the black and white photos of the events before, during and after his murder.  I've traveled a great deal in my work and have had the opportunity to visit the "Sixth Floor"  of the Texas School Book Depository from which Oswald committed his crime. 

     Great method for displaying the photos @buflosab.
  • Jim,thank you for the comment on the pictures, It's a hobby of mine,have many depicting historical events.Listen if you have time can you tell me about your trip to The Sixth Floor? Maybe just a few highlights, Again if you have time or want to, it would really be of interest to me.
  • This is a picture of the boarding house Oswald lived in at the time of the fateful day.Not really sure if it's a museum piece, but it fits into the Then and Now theme.
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