
in General
New to the site. Used to dabble in pipe when i was in middle school. Been a long time. Used to love the smell and taste. Just got back into it yesterday. Might of made a mistake of getting an English blend to start back with. A little harsh on the tongue. Thinking about going with a black cavendish next. Something a little smoother with a better smell to it.
I'm just an ol workin bastard myself
@BlueCollarBastard If English is too harsh maybe you'd like a few suggestions for aromatic blends. And we have a bunch of guys here who might steer you in the right direction. Then again you may prefer a Virginia Perique ... and wouldn't you know it - we have a few guys that can steer you in that direction. As an aromatic smoker I'd suggests bulk blends like Sutliff Vanilla Custard, Breme Brulee, Chocolate Mousse, Maple Walnut or Maple Rum. The Sutliff special edition tinned blends to check out are Barbados Plantation and Molto Dolce. I'm also very fond of East India Trading Company "Officer's Club" (a Rum Custard flavor). If you order from the Pipes And Cigars website they have a series of blends from their master blender Russ Ouellette called Russ' Monthly Blends and I highly recommend his blends "Warm Up", "Spring Break", and "Candy Corn". As you can tell by my suggestions I have a bit of a sweet tooth when it comes to my tobacco. There is one OTC codger blend that's been around for ages that most everyone seems to enjoy ... especially for those starting out and that's "Carter Hall". It's a nice smoke, easy on the tongue, and not too sweet an aromatic. And regardless of what some might tell you the old reliable Captain Black series of blends isn't bad at all. And when purchased in bulk is quite reasonable. More so than if you purchase at your local drug or grocery store, where a pouch can get pretty expensive depending upon where you live. Try Captain Black Royal, Dark, or Original.
I have a lot more aromatic possibilities but I'll let one of our Virginia non-aromatic smokers make a few suggestions as well as those who smoke English Latakia Blends that might introduction you to a milder blend that won't overpower you. The one Latakia English Aromatic I'm able to smoke and enjoy is one of only three tinned tobaccos from Captain Black - "Black Sea". It has just enough Latakia to give it that flavor, but combined with other tobaccos and a minimal aromatic casing.
The longer you hang with us you discover a wealth of information and within a month or so you'll be mixing up your own combinations ... stacking the bowl with two or three different layers of tobacco for a different experience, and learning all sorts of tricks to make your smoking experience more enjoyable. Welcome to the group.