Home Tobacco Talk

"One Handing"

I used to constantly be smoking in my car and usually had 1 pipe with me, so I used to just use my right hand to load my pipe. By holding the pipe shank close to the bowl between my thumb and middle finger and use the index finger to push tobacco into the pipe from the tobacco pouch which I had wedged  between the console and my thigh.  I'd get a proper amount in the bowl then finish packing with my thumb, My tobacco pouch had a self closing seal in it that limited spillage.
I now have lots of pipes and travel with prepacked ones but I just got a new pouch with self closing magnetic snaps so I'm going to try to return to those "Thrilling Days of Yesteryear". I will, however, practice doing it first out on the porch where spillage is easily swept up.
So, did anyone else out there do this or am I the only certified daredevil out there?


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