Captain black
in Tobacco Talk
For those of you that smoke captain black do you smoke any thing else or are you a dedicated loyal smoker of just captain black
Prince Albert and Carter Hall are good smooth light aromatics that are recommended for new pipe smokers as often as Lane 1Q.
Half and Half and Sir Walter Raleigh are both burley based tobacco with anisette (licorice) flavoring.
All four have been around since Columbus was knee high to a life ring and are well respected old codger blends.
That said, there are two other Lane blends that are (IMHO) to the left and right of RLP-6. Blend "1-Q" (colloquially called "Eye-Q") and "BCA" (Black Cavendish Aromatic). Both carry that toast marshmallow/vanilla taste and room note that is so loved by Captain smokers.
@Hawkeyeted -- I totally agreed with your assessment: meh.
At the time I ordered it, perhaps September 2016, I had no pipe smoking friends, having not yet joined TPL, so I threw out the 1-Q, but kept the tin; a nice looking tin, makes a nice travel jar.
and @motie2 - just okay. That said I REALLY like Captain Black White. IMO it's just a nice, easy, basic smoke. Great tin and room note. I've tried Royal but came back to White. Been curious about some of the other pouches but have not gone there yet. I DID crack upon my first tin if Captain Black Red Sky this weekend - part of the Captain Black Premium Collection. Man, I have to say I really, really like this stuff. It's a cherry blend but very smooth. No bite at all. Did not burn hot either. And the cherry note is just right. Not that medicine flavor you get with some cherries.
@ghostsofpompeii you've got me curious about Black Sea. I'm not an English blend guy but maybe this is a good way to revisit it.
So, I guess what I'm saying is, yes, I'm a Captain Black fan.
Since you're a CB White fan, I'd recommend RLP-6 to you too.
@Hawkeyeted yep - looks like I'll have to check out the RLP-6 everyone talks about!
1Q is maybe the mildest of the Aromatics to me, I often use it as a break from the English/Balkan blends I favor, either that or Carter Hall.
I'm not picking on Baptists either. My mother was raised in the Pentacostal Church and my father was a Catholic.
-Mark Twain
@ghostsofpompeii I've known happy and unhappy of all shapes, sizes, denominations, etc. If you and your bride are happy then that is certainly something worthy of praise.
Most people who know me don't think of me as the "typical" Pastor, much less whatever their view of "Baptist" is. I generally take that as a compliment. I am ultra-serious about my faith, which very much includes not adding rules to what the Bible says about life and faith. Something is wrong when being a "pastor" draws a line that repels people. I don't see the common man/woman running from Jesus but to him. Hoping I can be that to people.
Enough said...probably too much for this forum...I'll quit preaching (for) now
Boy, what a difference just over a year makes. You now have LOTS of friends here who smoke pipes. You are blessed.