FDA Regulations

in The Lounge
Has anyone heard anything new with the FDA tobacco regulations? What’s the latest news you’ve heard?
July 28, 2017 seems to be the last time there was any real advancement in regulatory announcements.
<<Cigars and Pipes
From 2000 to 2011, the use of non-cigarette smoked tobacco products increased dramatically. The largest increases were in use of pipe tobacco—used for roll-your-own cigarettes—and large cigars.
No tobacco product is safe. Cigars are large, rolled bundles of dried and cured tobacco. There are three major types of cigars sold in the United States—large cigars, cigarillos, and little cigars. While some people still use traditional pipes with a bowl, pipe tobacco is often purchased for roll your own cigarettes.
Like cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco smoke contains toxic and cancer causing chemicals that are harmful to both smokers and nonsmokers. Unlike cigarettes, cigars sold in the United States are permitted to be manufactured with flavors, which can mask the harshness of tobacco and appeal particularly to youth and young adults. Learn more about the health effects of smoking cigars and pipes. >>So what's up with the weed regulations then? If they are going to lump pipes with cigarettes, they need to add weed as well...just to keep it "fair". Stupid ass politics.
Also, the medical community seems to pushing the medical marijuana community so they aren't doing the research into how dangerous smoking pot is to your body. Sort of like back in the 40s and 50s when the Doctors were advertising shills for cigarettes.
Reading through the info to which Motie posted a link, I piked up two issues.
First, just like all government regulations, booklets, forms, etc., the reading of same can, and probably will cause your brain to explode, and understanding is damn near impossible. Dealing with multiple Government Agencies at all levels of government over the years, it is my contention that those empowered to interpret and enforce those rules do not understand what they say themselves as they were assembled at a much higher pay grade. The only benefit to these kind of intrusions is that significant number of government workers will be hired to peek over our backyard fences and perform SWAT style raids on tobacco shops nationwide, and add a ton more folks to the unemployment lines.
Secondly, IF I read the text correctly, it appears (?) as if the Deeming Regulation has been delayed until May 2018.
And a question: I would think the Tobacco Industry that produces Cigars and Pipe Tobacco would be in the news constantly raising Holy Hell regarding this issue. I HAVE NOT seen a lot of pushback by them. The politicians best remember that tobacco was a very significant product for commerce and even currency back in the days of the Founding Fathers. Those poor old dudes must be spinning in their graves.
I have a real tough time stomaching the mindset of "The government is supposed to take care of me" mentality that seems so prevalent with many of the folks out there.
To me the more the government gets it's nose into my/our business the more likely it is to become despotic and heavy handed.
The Constitution clearly outlines the FINITE powers the government is LEGALLY to have. Not the over reaching meddlesome bureaucratic quagmire it has become.
In as few words as possible....
Less government, More personal freedom and accountability.
Just for the record...the Constitution's Preamble says:
The federal government was established (and the Constitution was adopted) to “form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
(Fat Guy, once again, gets down from the Soapbox.)
Screw the FDA. Screw the CDC and the rest of this fraudulent, fake united states government!
This organization is the biggest threat to the American citizens and our republic.
Not Russia, not China, not the fake UFOs, not anything else. It's THEM, the fake US government. They have zero credibility on all levels. They declared war again on the American citizens. Wake up folks they hate you more than you can imagine.
Frankly I don't give a rats ass what any government department has to say about anything. They can kiss my ass.
You said it well. My only disagreement is that they should kiss my ass first. Age should have some damn privilege.