Trouble Keeping a pipe lit
in General
Lets help all those that have trouble keeping their pipe lit...what are your suggestions?
I agree , relighting is part of the process of smoking a pipe, sometimes I have to relight , sometimes I don't.
Once you have a decent pipe and some quality tobacco, it's just a matter of practice. The better you pack it, the easier it is to keep lit.
If you get packing down, then that's most of the battle. I'd also suggest making sure that you get a nice even ember on the top of the tobacco on the first light by making small circles around the edge of the bowl with a match with small puffs. You want an even burn in the bowl, or that'll cause problems mid smoke. Tamp the ash down and do the second light, with longer puffs so the flame goes deeper into the bowl. Once the pipe is lit, tamp again and relax.
Sometimes when the tobacco passes the mid point in the bowl, you might find it hard to get a good draw, due to how dense the tobacco ash is. Scoop out some of the ash, and use the spoon on the pipe tool to mix the tobacco around to break it up. Run a pipe cleaner through the stem, so you get a nice air pocket at the bottom of the bowl. You should have no issues after that.