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The exception

I'm typically an English or Virginia perique smoker but I recently took a risk and purchased a tin of Erinmore, a mildly aromatic Virginia Burley blend, and found that I actually like it. 

That got me wondering, what others might have as an exceptions to their usual styles, e.g. an aromatic smoker who occasionally enjoys a bowl of Dunhill 965? Also, what do you like about it? For me, the Virginia in Erinmore accentuates the nuttiness of the Burley and the topping leaves a nice room note and aftertaste.


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    You are correct there are exceptions to everything. I only smoke aromatics my only exception is that every once and awhile I do enjoy Dunhill 965. Its generally on a cold raw damp day. All I can say is that it just seems right.
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    @Padraig I'm the compete opposite, I'm mainly an aromatic smoker, but for me the exception is Captain Black "Black Sea". I, not particularly found of strong English blends and Latakia in general. But for some reason there is just the right amount of Latikia in this blend to give it the characteristics of an English blend while still being something of an aromatic. I've come to the realization that for me Latakia makes for a wonderful condiment to a blend in much the same way as I use blending Perique. A little bit of either enhances an aromatic blend provided it's not overpowering. When added like salt or pepper to a steak it also brings out the flavor of the sweet casings on the aromatic.   
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    As I used to be a English and VaPer blends kinda smoker in my first pipe life, I was dedicated to Balkan Sobranie. When I began my second pipe life in the summer of 2016, I tried a few of the "just like Balkan Sobranie" blends" that are available (I tried White Knight BlackHouse and Balkan Blue, among others) but none gave me the satisfaction I remember. And so, here I am today, a prisoner of Barbados Plantation and the three other Sutliff blends necessary to mix up a batch of the now legendary -- at least to me -- Mrs. Hudson's. Now, if someone were to come up with an tin of the Sobranie in question...... I'm interested, none-the-less.

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