New trick for getting flake going with minimal relights
in Tobacco Talk
Gentlemen, I just wanted to throw this out there. Many of us enjoy a good Virginia or VaPer flake, correct? And I think consensus has spoken that they are enjoyed in smaller-bowled pipes as well as big ones. In order to minimize the number of relights on a flake or coin tobacco, would it make sense to fill the first half of the bowl with non-rubbed flake, and then rub a little on top to get it started? I would think the rubbed tobacco would help the non-rubbed catch and maintain temperature.
I usually load my pipes first with larger pieces, in order to keep smaller pieces out of the draft hole. Then I finish loading the pipe, using the finest pieces resting at the bottom of the tin. I usually try to use that method with everything from ribbon cuts to flakes.
Since some of the best flavor from flake tobacco comes during the initial lighting process, I don't worry about the total number of times it takes to relight the pipe.