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Londy3Londy3 Master
edited October 2017 in The Lounge
Hey gang, who has a YouTube channel for YTPC?
If you don't already know, it's the YouTube Pipe Community. Do you have videos or are you a lurker? If you have a channel, what's the name of it?  If you like YouTube, who do you watch or sub to?

I just started mine. I will be posting a scary story that really happened to me since Halloween is around the corner. The name of my channel is B Analog. Living more unplugged and simply with more happiness.

I like watching Matches860, Joshua in the woods, 1972woodsman. Muttonchop piper, Stuff and Things and Myserious 5, to name a few. I am pretty much addicted to it. It's like TV on demand.  What about y'all? 


  • @Londy3, I'm a lurker.  If you like Joshua in the woods, check out his friend Bremen Pipe Smoker.  He is a history professor and always relates some European history with his review. 
  • @mfresa, hey man, yeah, I have seen his as well. I know he's in Germany and did a video with Josh when he visited there. Pretty cool how some of these guys get together, hang out and do a video. I watch a lot of vids.
  • @Londy3, I wish I had the time to watch more.  Also, at the moment the sound card on my computer went for a Burton, so I ordered a new one.  Won't be here for 10 days.
  • I mainly just watch The Country Squire live show on Monday night when the actually do one. 
  • I'm a lurker and would love to have a channel as well, but I'd freeze up the moment I realized the camera was on. Since the majority of useful information has been pretty well covered by the variety of YouTube Pipe Presenters there's not much I can really add. My channel would end up being more of a conversation with a camera - in hopes someone is on the other end watching - and serious doubt someone would find my mindless chattering of any interest. I can be humorous during normal conversation - but can't be funny on command like a stand-up comic doing a routine. So that would be disastrous. I could simply chat and make general conversation and observations, while smoking and do the occasional tobacco review ... but Matches860 does it so much better than I could ever hope to do. So I guess I'll have to be satisfied to remain a lurker.    
  • LOL. You guys all have something to share. You all have backgrounds and life experience. Does not have to always have hard core pipe content. I'd encourage you to try. It may bring benefits back to you!
  • I'm a long time fan of the tobacco reviews and "Sunday Smokes" that Bradley posts on the StuffandThings channel on Youtube
  • I typically stick to lurker status on Youtube, I haven't posted a video personally in years! 
  • I like Muttonchop, he was interviewed by Brian on pipesmagazine last week, great show.
  • @Londy3, the pipesmagazine radio show is a weekly episodic show on pipesmagazine.com, it's on every Tuesday at 8:00 live but you can listen to it anytime, it has been on for 5 years and I've been listening to it since day one, Brian Levine is the host, he has been in the pipe and tobacco business for several years, he does the show from his home in North Carolina, you should give it a listen,I think you'll enjoy it.
  • Lurker here.  I too love the YTPC.  I'm subscribed to Muttnchop Piper, Matches 860, Unicornpiper, NWPipeSmoker, STUFFandTHINGS, Spirit Smoker, Grateful Piper, Drew of the Shed, SmokinGrampa Bones, Markwood Men's Breakfast Club, Country Squire Radio Pipecast, Smokin' Briar, Mr Brog, Red Hinkle, HolySmokeNPipePadre; Corenell & Diehl, Inc,, and This Pipe Life (go figure). Now I'm adding your channel too, @Londy3 .

    Good gravy, no wonder why I don't get anything done around the house (or so my wife will tell you)!  
  • Maybe I could try that Pipe and a movie concept I'm using here for the 31 Days of Halloween.
  • Have my channel going on three years, check out imawrench if you wanna take a look see.  The YTPC has been good to me.  Haven't been posting as much as I used to as life does get in the way sometimes.  All the channels mentioned are ones I watch, as well as Bicycle Vagabond and many more.  I encourage you all to jump in, everyone has a story or a point of view and the community it extremely welcoming.  The first video is the hardest and then you just jump in.
    Take good care,
  • @ghostsofpompeii, see!! That's a good idea! 
    @imawrench, thanks for the sub. I will be posting more...just been busy and lazy at the same time...lol
  • Didn't know YTPC existed. I'll start checking it out tonight. Thanks for steering me there @Londy3...
  • Again , my fave, even though I don't smoke the kind of tobaccos he reviews (I used to....) is Bradley at StuffandThings
  • There are A lot of cool folks to watch in the community. Some are very active as well. Kind of a cool way to meet other people you normally would never meet.
  • LutrasaurusLutrasaurus Apprentice
    edited May 2019
    Late to the party. Just posted my first YTCP video. 

  • piperdavepiperdave Connoisseur
    @Londy3 I looked for your channel but could not find it? What is the avatar for B Analog channel?

  • OlePopsOlePops Master
    I'm guilty as charged! I've been over in the YTPC community for some months now. I found those guys to help me deal with my little wifey being diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. So far I have met some wonderful folks there. I traded in (and deleted) my twitter account for them and almost did the same with Facebook because of the bickering and meanness there, but Facebook is handy to advertise music shows that I play in my area. Here is a link to my YTPC page.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTDiU6wTk2OJqVVk3YxWzNw?view_as=subscriber
  • @OlePops ~ I'm sorry so hear about your wife's diagnosis. Sadly, I have much too much experience with Alzheimer's Disease, both professionally and personally. 

    Thanks for sharing your YouTube link. I've subscribed and will check it out soon! 
  • OlePopsOlePops Master
    @Kmhartle - It is what it is. She's a good wife. We been together for 33 years. I lost my dad of Alzheimer's, she lost her mom of Alzheimer's. I probably gonna lose Jilly Darlin', but in all three cases one thing is for sure... they lose us first.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Very good insight concerning a very cruel disease @OlePops
    You're on my list brother...
  • OlePopsOlePops Master
    @KA9FFJ - Thanks my friend. I think I know what you mean. Considering all the things they give up along the way and then considering the fact that they forget the people that are the most important to them; then not only are their freedoms and liberties lost but their pride and dignities are stripped. And even though we have loved them with all our hearts through it all...they only know that they are alone. So, you are correct in assuming it is cruel. It is a complete and total form of cruelty. 
  • motie2motie2 Master
    Your comment, "They lose us first," sums up my experience with my father, of blessed memory, who passed in his 80th year of pneumonia from Alzheimer's
  • OlePopsOlePops Master
    @motie2 - Same here, man. Lost my dad to it. The tough thing was watching his body forget how to function as his brain lost those abilities as well. We know the brain controls all that, and more than just the mind. But not only do they forget how to remember, their bodies forget how to function. We stood by my dad's bed and simply watched him forget how to take a breath. There was normal breathing, then 10 seconds between breaths, then 20, then 25, then 35, then 45, then...
    What do you do? You know he's leaving. All you can do is hope and hold on to some kind of shred of belief in the afterlife and try to will yourself to believe that as soon as he leaves that prison of a body he will see us all standing around him relieved that he is finally free.
  • OlePopsOlePops Master
    My horror is not going through it again, but watching my wife go through it the way my dad and her mom did. It is so emaciating and debilitating. She is a proud woman and can not stand the idea of me seeing her like that. I can't stand the idea of her not wanting me to. The promise I made to her was "for better or worse". If this is what our "worse" is, then I'm ready.
  • motie2motie2 Master
    We had to put our beloved cat -- a twenty year old -- down a year ago. I held him as he gently left this mortal coil, assisted by a compassionate vet.

    It impressed on me -- yet again -- that we treat our suffering pets more compassionately than we treat our dear ones of the human pursuasion.
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