I blog again... George Washington Smoked Here
in Tobacco Talk
I went “old school” this morning with my tobacco choice.
How Old?
The tobacco in my pipe came from a 14-oz. tin with a price stamp of $1.19.
The tobacco in my pipe is so old that it went out of production before I met my wife.
The tobacco in my pipe is older than our oldest son.
The tobacco in my pipe is so old that tin is considered to be an antique collectible.
read more at: https://macpappysworld.blogspot.com/
I've found some of the square tins, like are used for flakes or Penzance, don't maintain a good seal either once open. Those I usually wait for a week or two to transfer because it allows the tobacco to dry out some. The same for the pull top cans with the plastic lids, like C&D uses.
That's just my opinion. Others may have different ideas.