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Light Nicotine Tobaccos

After @Londy3 posted about his possible nicotine issue I started wondering about low nicotine tobaccos. I'm currently smoking Molto Dolce which is supposedly one of the lower nic tobacco blends. What other quality low nicotine pipe tobacco blends do you enjoy?


  • I would like that list as well, for obvious reasons.
  • If you have a question about the nicotine strength of a tobacco, you can look it up on tobaccoreviews.com and get a general idea.
    That would be easier than posting a listing of all the tobacco with a milder strength.
  • @PappyJoe -- I've looked up several tobaccos on tobaccoreviews.com. I agree, it's the ultimate place to go. I guess what I'd love to see is a list of some of the more popular or TPL members favorite tobaccos that are lower in Vitamin N. 
  • BCA and any Black Cavendish are steamed and low Nic.
  • @jfreedy - Let me make a shocking confession. I never really stop and look at the nicotine content of pipe tobacco before smoking it. I occasionally look at reviews to see what the strength is reported to before buying it but even then it seldom factors into my decisions. It's been awhile since I've had something that was too strong.
  • DanfriedmanDanfriedman Master
    edited December 2018
    I feel this is a valuable thread that may help some new and some aging pipe smokers. 
    I enjoy many blends because of the Nic strength both low and high. I keep a stash of Early Morning pipe, Lagonda, Westminster, and Presbyterian Mixture because they are great tasting and low Nic. I also use BCA and VBC in my own blending for the same reason. 
    I love to see this forum educating pipers and I hope this helps.
  • The more sugars there are, the less nicotine there is and vice versa.

    By tobacco type:

    Burley, Kentucky and Perique have high nicotine and low sugar
    Vigrinia, Turkish, Latakia and Oriental have low nicotine and high sugar.

    Curing type has an effect on the tobacco/sugar level as well:
    Fire cured, air-cured and pressed or fermented 'baccy has high nicotine/low sugar
    Flue-cured has high sugar/low nicotine
  • My dream tobacco would be a high nic black cavendish or other delicious aromatic. I've been using the leaf in various formats for too long to get a "nic hit" though I can't honestly say I feel deprived without it. Maybe it's as much psychological as physical. Damn, I'm reminiscing, but I remember introducing a beautiful young lady to Copenhagen back during a sea turtle project years ago....I could swallow the juice, but she had a very different reaction.
  • @Bloodhound61

    If there's any left to be had, Dunhill Nightcap always had me falling out of my chair......
  • Anything in a rope form should not be included in the low nicotine group.
  • DerekJDerekJ Enthusiast
    That's something I've never tried, is a rope tobacco inherently and usually a high nicotine tobacco? 
  • @Bloodhound61
    I know this thread is about low nic tobacco, but when you mentioned wanting a cavendish with nic, you might try Samuel Gawith’s Black XX rope (if you can find it).  As a caveat......it is NOT what I would call a sweet aromatic.  Actually it is not aromatic at all, but it is not Latakia either.  I smoke aromatics almost exclusively and dislike Latakia in most any amount.  I do enjoy the Black XX (In very, very, small amounts).  It’s nic hit is brutal, even when smoked in my smallest pipes, I can handle about half a bowl.....what a wussy I am.  I thought Peterson’s Irish Oak was strong when I first started up with the pipe...nah-uh....not even close.  According to the reviews, S.G. Brown Rope is even more potent.  Look at the reviews on tobaccoreviews.com.  My supply of Black XX is almost gone, and I have been looking to replenish it.  It seems it always comes in-stock when I am low on funds...then it sells out quickly and I miss my chance☹️
  • Here's a quick list of various tobaccos in order from the least amount of nicotine at the top, down to the most nicotine at the bottom of the list:

    1. Orientals.                   LEAST
    2. Latakia
    3. Cavendish
    4. Bright Virginia
    5. White Burley
    6. Red Virginia
    7. Dark Burley
    8. Perique
    9. Dark Fired Kentucky MOST

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