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Do you consider yourself a smoker?

No, really. I never smoked cigarettes. Never liked the smell or anything about them. I have had an occasional good ($10+) cigar in my days. But never think of myself as a smoker. I'm even listed as a non-smoker on my insurance. I have reignited my pipe after sixteen years, and only have a few bowls on the weekends and I still don't consider myself to be classified as a smoker. After all, they call this a hobby right?  How about you? What do you think?


  • Here is a picture of me and my sister while visiting her in Ohio. This is our social time! She doesn't smoke either!!  :p
  • I am with you @Londy3 I don't consider myself to be a smoker either! That being said, I don't know whether or not the insurance companies would agree with my assessment :D
  • Rather difficult to say. I am a pipe smoker, have been and will no doubt continue to be such. As Philosopiper stated, not a smoker, related to the general term, usually related to cigarettes. A user of tobacco ye, specifically pipe tobacco. 
  • I too agree. I do not consider myself a smoker. I am listed as a non smoker on all insurance and Army documentation. In fact, during a routine Army physical I mentioned that I smoked a pipe occasionally to the doctor, and he told me that that won't hurt you at all if done in moderation. Lately, I smoke a bowl or two most days and still don't consider myself a smoker because smoking a pipe is not an addiction identity like with cigarette smoking. 
  • Never smoked cigarettes either, so I consider myself a pipe smoker.
  • I am a pipe smoker, not a smoker, I am not addicted to tobacco, I enjoy tobacco, I told my doctor I smoked a pipe and he told me he tried to be one but he didn't have the patience for it. 
  • @pipeman83 -- It's funny you mention your doctor.. at our pipe club we have a doctor and a dentist who enjoy this time-honored hobby.
  • Like others have said, I only consider myself a pipe smoker, not a smoker. While I'm sad when I can't smoke a pipe, I don't feel an addiction to it. I even make it a point not to take my pipe with on most vacations, to show my wife that I can do without smoking a pipe. While I'm sure some would definitely consider me a smoker, I do not. Even if I didn't smoke a pipe, I'd still collect pipes and pipe related items. It's a hobby, plain and simple.
  • The problem here, is that there is no distinction between pipe/cigar smokers, and cigarette smokers in most peoples minds. The insurance companies and employers want to lump us all in with the cigarette smoker for monetary reasons. The reality to it is, that when we are asked "Do you smoke?" we are reluctant to answer honestly, because we are simply a box that gets checked. In reality, that box that gets checked, takes money out of our pockets, and opportunities from our lives.

    There are a few insurance companies and doctors who are willing to acknowledge that pipe and cigar smoking is safer than cigarettes, but the consideration is minimal. In reality, pipe and cigar smoking in moderation actually relieves stress and anxiety, allowing pipe and cigar smokers to live longer.

    This is a sore spot with me. When someone asks me if I smoke, I automatically assume they mean cigarettes, and lie like a dog. Pipes and cigars, as well as marijuana, do not affect the human body anywhere near the level that chemical laced cigarettes do. Don't ask me how I know.

  • But again, the biggest difference is not inhaling the smoke like a cigarette. Do any of you inhale? Tobacco use generally is lumped under either smoker or non-smoker, you do it or you don't. @xDutchx, is right, there is no distinction. This makes me crazy. My wife considers me a smoker now and I told her the same thing we are all saying. I'm not. I get pretty tired of having to convince people there is a difference. Tobacco is so taboo today it's rediculous.
  • @Londy3 Not only is it that as pipe smokers we don't typically inhale the tobacco, (sit in a smoke filled lounge or pipe shop and you are sure to breathe some in) it is the frequency and quantity of which we smoke. At the most I will smoke 2 bowls a day, I typically only smoke however 5 times a week. Compare that to the cigarette smoker who what smokes 1-2 cigarettes every hour, hour and a half. There are multiple differences between the two. Our tobaccos are absent the harmful chemicals which can be found in cigarettes. Just one example are the flame retardant chemicals that the federal government requires to be in the papers of cigarettes. (How is that for playing both sides of the field for you?) As @xDutchx has even stated, pipe smokers tend to be un-anxious, low stress, individuals. Cigarette smokers on the other hand, from my experience, seem to be the most stressed out people I have ever met. That is just my 2 cents.
  • I'd love to see some current research on the average death age of pipe-only smokers as well as what they actually died of. That 1964 Surgeons General report is great but getting pretty dusty.
  • @jfreedy I would love to see that as well. In my opinion, it is doubtful that we will see it happen. Particularly, due to the fact that there are so few pipe smokers. They like the dust that is accumulating, the older that report gets, the easier it becomes for them to continue to vilify the tobacco industry as a whole. When you can separate, and lump things into groups, it is easier to do away with them.
  • It will never happen nor get published. We are talking about Tobacco people, remember? This is tanted evil stuff and produce nothing good for people.  :#
  • @Londy3 I agree , it's not politically correct to show a positive result on tobacco.
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