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Sutliff Tobacco $1.50 an P&C - All The Blends You Need To Make Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Blend

Got an email today from Pipes & Cigars announcing several Sutliff blends are on sale for $1.50 an ounce. The three main ingredients in my Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Blend are included in the sale: Vanilla Custard, Chocolate Mousse, and Crème Brulee. I also use a pinch of Irish Cream which is also listed as a sale item ... but unfortunately it's in the 'back ordered' status. And after that last fiasco at P&C I refrain from ordering anything on back order. @Motie2 said he doesn't add the Irish Cream and is perfectly satisfied with the blend without it.

Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Blend is an easy blend to make: 3 parts Vanilla Custard ... 2 parts Chocolate Mousse ... one part Crème Brulee ... and a pinch or two of Irish Cream. Motie substitutes Molto Dolce for the Crème Brulee. 

We've debated the issue and I feel Crème Brulee is simply Sutliff's bulk version of Molto Dolce, but he is a Connoisseur and I'm but a lowly Professor, so I must bow to his proclamation as the ultimate truth. All joking aside, I've substituted Molto Dolce myself and think he's correct ... it might be more flavorful. But more expensive.

But at $1.50 an ounce, that's not a bad price for the wide variety of Sutliff blends. I have a cellar full of Sutliff aromatics and still might take advantage of the sale. 



  • @ghostsofpompeii -- P&C is still out of Barbados Plantation.
    Dude, if you're gonna spend a bit more on tobacco, risking the wrath of your SWMBO, then you owe it to yourself. Take a chance.... trust me.

  • Or tell me you can't do it and I'll pay to have a tin sent to ya. (I've threatened this before....) 

    You've turned me on to so much, and especially to the wonders that can be created from Sutliff bulk blends, which i had never considered, while working through their Private Stock (tinned) line. Let me try to return the favor.....
  • @motie2 I eased an order of pipe tobacco into the conversation today and she took it quite well. So I may be ordering some from SmokingPipes.com in the very near future. Really wish P&C had some last week when they had their 20% off sale. They do have a lot of sale which is why I tend to use them more than any other supplier. It just so happens that they've been out of Barbados Plantation since you turned me on to it. If all goes according to plan I should have an order in the system within the week. Got a 50th Wedding Anniversary coming up next month and how can a loving wife refuse her hubby of 50 years the simple pleasure of a tin or two of Barbados Plantation?  
  • God bless women. They are proof positive that God has a sense of humor.....
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited August 2017
    @ghostsofpompeii --  I never ordered from anyone other than Pipes and Cigars until they ran out of Barbados Plantation.

    God bless Smokingpipes.com for being there when I needed them, and for having competitive prices!!
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited August 2017
    BTW, unsolicited plug, I found ordering from Smokingpipes.com to be as easy as, and enjoyed the same fast delivery as I have ordering from P&C. My orders were not affected during P&C's ordering and shipping department's nervous breakdown.) Based on what I order, and giventhe two sites' competitive pricing, I'll order from whomever has what I want in stock, with P&C being my default online tobacconist. (Reason? Because I prefer P&C's reviews....).

    The P&C Sutliff bulk sale is a bargain, indeed.
  • edited September 2017
    Seems like everyday they're offering some kind of sale or another. They are working awful hard to win back the trust of their customers.  
  • Mixd up some Mrs. Hudson's with he P&C Sutliff sale tobacco. @motie2 gave me the recipe. I'll try it out in the morning. Can't wait!
  • Smoking Mrs. Hudson's right now... nice! It's very mild and perfect for a morning smoke. Zero tongue bite. Overall, nice aro. I made up about 6 oz. So I should be good until the next P&C Sutliff sale. Still want to try out Barbados Plantation someday.
  • motie2motie2 Master

    In the new television show WATSON, about Watson’s medical career after Holmes went over the Reichenbach Falls, sacrilege was done to the Holmes canon. Watson opines that he always suspected that Holmes was having sex with Mrs. Hudson, their landlady. “The apartment walls were thin….”

    Meanwhile, checkout the Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited March 19

    <<For those of us who prefer the taste of sweet aromatics, you're missing out if you have not tried @ghostsofpompeii's custom blended "Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Blend."

    Three parts (or 3 oz.) Sutliff Vanilla Custard

    Two parts (or 2 oz.) Sutliff Chocolate Mousse
    One part (or 1 oz.) Sutliff Crème Brulee

    Optional: A pinch or two of (preferably dried out) Sutliff Irish Cream

    This blend is a delight and @ghostsofpompeii is a freakin' genius. I've tried mixing tobaccos and have never come near anything so enjoyable on every level: easy to light and keep lit, great taste, smell, and room note, no bite, moist but not goopy dottle and bowl bottom, no negative ghosting. >>

    Of course, securing the necessary Sutliff tobaccos will be increasingly difficult, if not impossible.
  • @motie2 Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it. If I have to be know for something - than dreaming up that particular blend is all I need.
    My cousin came over Sunday afternoon and I gave him several Mason jars full of various tobacco blends to try out. He and I used to get together and smoke whenever possible. Now that I can't smoke as often as I'd like I went through my cellar and gave him enough tobacco to last him a lifetime. I almost screwed up and gave him my last jar of Mrs. Hudson's 221 B Bakery Blend. Glad I didn't now that I know Sutliff has shuttered it's doors and I won't be able to get the blends I need to replace it. Once I'm back to smoking on a regular basis I'll have to ration that supply.  
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