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I'll Be Sitting In The Sun Smoking My Pipe - Waiting For The Eclipse

edited August 2017 in General

A lot of hoopla about the upcoming solar eclipse coming this Monday on the 21st. Unfortunately I live in a region of the country where we won't get the best view of a total eclipse ... but I imagine a partial darkening of the sun in the afternoon will be pretty cool as well. So I intend to be sitting out there puffing away as the sky darkens ... knowing full well from a bevy of cheesy 50s' 'B' sci-fi movies that nothing good can come of it.

"The Hideous Sun Demon" taught us that sitting in direct sunlight ... coupled with a unique set of circumstances can set the wheels in motion for turning you into a scaly half man/ half lizard creature. I saw it on TV ... so it must be true. Keep that in mind during the eclipse. The eclipse itself might just be one of the triggering mechanism causing you to undergo a transformation that you'll later regret. You've been warned.

And in the movie "Day Of The Triffids" a good portion of the human population went blind watching a meteor shower. Same could happen during the solar eclipse, even if you don't look directly into the sun. Maybe just being outside will be all it takes. I'll have to wait for the remake to see if that's possible. But the most disturbing aspect isn't the world's population going blind, it was the giant poison man-eating walking plants that made being blind so much more of a nuisance. Once again, I know it's true, I saw it on TV. So I recommend you cut down as many foreign looking plants growing around your house between now and Tuesday before the eclipse, on the outside chance they may be Triffids. And should you find yourself visually impaired the following morning remember the plants make a rattling noise like a Spanish musician play the castanets. If you hear that sound run blindly in the opposite direction.   

I'm going to watch some more 50s' 'B' sci-fi films to find out what else I can expect to happen following the eclipse based on these factual and informative movies, and as a public service I'll announce any new information I discover to the members of The Pipeline. 



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