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Bubble Wrap, Styrofoam Peanuts, Air Filled Plastic Bags, Or Newspaper?

Nothing more exciting than receiving a package in the mail whether it's expected or not. That exhilaration as you pull out your trusty pocket knife and slice through the packing tape, trying hard not to damage what's inside the box, has yet to be duplicated. Then peeling back those pesky flaps of cardboard to peer inside at the treasures that await you ... ahhhhhh! 

But nothing dampens my spirit more than a box filled with Styrofoam packing peanuts, concealing my prized treasures within. As you plunge your arm to the bottom of the box those little buggers stick to the hair on your arms like magnets. Then a tidal wave of weightless peanuts spew out of the box like an erupting volcano as you retrieve your goodies, scattering across the table. And the slightest exhale through the nostrils can propel them across the table and onto the floor .. where a week later you'll find one that had been hiding under the kitchen table clinging to your sock. I Hate Styrofoam Packing!

The newest solution to packing seems to be inflated plastic bags. All my packages from P&C are shipped that way.

But here are my preferences ... starting from second to first. 

Number Two: Bubble Wrap. I love snapping and popping Bubble Wrap, and aggravating all those around me. Popping those little bitty bubble aren't much fun - barely get a stir out of my wife. But now Bubble Wrap with medium size bubbles ... when you fold it over and double it up - then stomp on it ... you can find yourself in the dog house for days.

Number One: Newspaper. Especially newspapers that come from different countries. I love looking at the local news stories and advertisements, even if I can't understand a damn word. Makes it more exotic and mysterious. Sometimes I get on the computer and type in a few sentences to translate to English - just to make sure they're not writing anything bad about me or my Momma. A package filled with crumpled up newspaper can sometimes be more satisfying and entertaining than the actual contents of the box.     


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