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New website and Tobbaco

Great new website and no problem working my way around it,Thank you.Also managed to get my favorite French Vanilla Tobbaco from Smokers Haven.It is the same shop that I used to go to in Buffalo.They moved to West Seneca N.Y outside of Buffalo.Very nice people and was thrilled to death to recieve my order.Good selection, give them a try if you haven't already.


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    OK, I'm interested. I want to know how it compares to Sutliff's Vanilla Custard, which IMHO is the standout vanilla aromatic.
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    Hi motie,sort of hard to answer.I have not had that much experience Sutliff' Vanilla Custard.I have ordered it awhile back and it was pretty good.Maybe it's just nostalgia on my part going back to my hometown that I hadn't been to in 30 yrs and finding this pipe shop.The French Vanilla just stood out for me.As with most things what I like someone else may not like.I guess when we recommend a certain blend to others we're sort of putting ourselves on the firing line. At any rate thank you for the comments.Talk at you again.
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    We have a Smokers' Haven shop about 30 minutes away in Metuchen NJ. They carry two vanilla blends. Is the one you refer to one of these?

    VANILLA -- An all time-favorite. #1 Grade American AAA Burley, Golden Cavendish, and Virginia tobaccos flavored with an exclusive Vanilla extract.

    VANILLA CRÈME -- An extraordinary blend formulated with flue-cured tobacco, Virginia, Burley, and flavored Black Cavendish. Subtle Vanillas and a hint of Caramel accentuate this exquisite blend.

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    No motie,the one I like is just called French Vanilla.The vanilla cream you mentioned sounds intriguing.Do they have a website? If you have time pass it along .Thank you has always for the interest.
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    Thank you very much.
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    @buflosab, just a question. Does the Tobacco Store on the Seneca Reservation have Pipe Tobacco, or just Cigarettes?
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    Hi woodsman,actually West Seneca is a town outside Buffalo.They have been in the area for about 30 yrs.They sell Pipe Tobacco,Pipes,and cigars They are not affiliated with any of Seneca Reservations.I have never tried to order from those establishments I hope that answers your question.If you google Smokers Haven in the Buffalo area you can see the products they sell.Plus they are really nice people.If you have any more questions I will be happy to answer if I can.
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    @buflosab, my mom was from Olean and she had friends who would ask her to buy cigarettes for them at Seneca Nation, I don't remember ever seeing pipe tobacco there.
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    Yes your right,I think at one point I went on a Seneca Nation website and never did see pipe tobacco on the menu.Thank you for the comment.
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    Thanks Guy's, I go past the Reservation on way to my Friend's in Fredonia and was wondering if it would be worth a stop.
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    If your talking about the Reservation for pipe tobacco I really don't think so.Fredonia I'm not sure.Have a good trip.
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