As for the look and lines of a pipe do you prefer one over the other. I tend to gravitate towards a strait grain pipe but there is something to be said about a beautiful birds eye as well.
I like the birds-eye look, but for the most part a pipe with a birds-eye pattern tends to be more expensive. But since the majority of the pipe I own seem to be rusticated it really doesn't matter that much to me. But I do like the look of a beautiful birds-eye pattern.
I would have to say that birds-eye is my absolute favorite. There is just something about the pattern that invokes staring into the cosmos. That being said, I appreciate a great straight grain as well.
For me the decision of birds eye versus straight grain is all about how I feel that moment and the aesthetics. For plateau I love straight/flame grains otherwise for a flat surface or when perfectly balanced on a pipe (front/back or sides) I love birds eye. I remember seeing a pipe a while back that sandblasted the straight grain and left the birds eye smooth and polished. I wanted it so badly because it was perfect, imho.
Thank you @motie2 When I first started a close friend told me it may take a day or it may take a week just look at the block till the grain and the pipe reveals it self then you can get the most out of every block so thats what I try to do.
After looking at a variety of @Corey562 pipes I really love birds-eye patterns. I wasn't really made aware of the distinction till I started seeing many of his pipes. Once again ... an old dog learning new tricks. 50 years of pipe smoking and I never heard the term birds-eye pattern before joining this forum.
Nice job!!!!!!
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When I first started a close friend told me it may take a day or it may take a week just look at the block till the grain and the pipe reveals it self then you can get the most out of every block so thats what I try to do.