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Pipe Progressions

I started out smoking almost exclusively large, bent pipes. Over the years I've migrated to mostly straight pipes. I still enjoy smoking both but most often reach for a straight. Has anyone else experienced a similar (or opposite) progression?


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    I've always been a straight pipe fan. I have only one bent, a Carey volcano? Cognac? setter with a slight bend.

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    @jfreedy I've gone back and forth myself but I'd have to say I prefer the bent pipe. I probably have more in my collection and feel more comfortable smoking a bent pipe. I like the way it just sort of rests on my chin.
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    I started with straight pipes but switched over to mostly bents in a couple off years.
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    I think it's fascinating how preferences can change. I've been smoking a pipe for around 30 years now, and I've definitely seen it. 
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    I've also changed my preferences for which pipes I like to smoke. I think it's only natural when the pipe smoker gets some experience under their belt. I thought I'd buy more bent pipes, as bent pipes have a nice look to them. But after spending time smoking straight and bent pipes, I find myself gravitating towards straight pipes (and quarter bent pipes).

    I do like some bent pipes, but when adding more pipes to my rack, I'll generally go towards straight pipes first.
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    I actually don't have a preference these days. I started out in the 70s being smoking more bents but now it's pretty close to a 50/50 split between bent or straight pipes. 

    I would actually ask what degree of "bent" do you like in your pipe? I have a few that are "full" bent - like an Oom Paul - I have some that are half and quarter bent. And I have some that have a slight bent to the stem. 
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    @PappyJoe -- You make a good point. "Bent" is not really very descriptive. Technically my Bing's Favorite could be considered a bent since there is a slight bend near the lip. However, no one would really consider it a bent pipe. 
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