Cigars and Pipes and Pipes and Cigars. Or, If You Prefer, Pipes and Cigars and Cigars and Pipes

in Tobacco Talk
Over the last two weeks or so, I've paid more frequent visits to my local B&M for cigars. Something I've noticed recenty is the flavors I experience in the cigars I've been smoking (mostly La Flora Dominca Ligeros and just about an hour ago, a La Gloria Cubana Coleccion Reserva) seem more pronounced. I'm wondering if the flavors from pipe tobacco have somehow sharpened my palate making the cigars even more enjoyable, without negatively impacting my pipe pleasure. I'm curious to know your thoughts? Ever had a similar experience? Why do you suppose this happens, or perhaps in your case, doesn't happen?
Jim, I am sure there is a cause and effect, however there are several variables to consider. We are told when we are newbies to smoking pipes and/or cigars, that our palate will develop. Fast forward a couple years, and if you have smoked at least several times a week, you may be able to detect flavors that you could not in the beginning. However, everyone's palate is different, and some folks will end up with a more refined palate. I suppose that some of it can be attributed to genetics, but keeping your sinuses in good condition, can make a huge difference in taste and smell. A Neti Pot or similar contraption can make a big difference for some folks.
Real Snuff can be ordered from Email sellers like Mr. Snuff in England, I believe mailing snuff within the USA is against the rules. I've ordered from them and they're dependable.
A cigar pipe:
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Back in the day, we ordered Fribourg & Treyer snuff from a shop in Boston, I think it was at Leavitt and Peirce, who also offered excellent pipe tobacco.
No more F&T snuff, but --
Pipe Tobacco --
Not sure this is relevant to your question, but several weeks ago I smoked an Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 Maduro from my humidor left over from my cigar smoking days thinking I would make some pipe Mud. I actually got dizzy and had to pace myself. It was much like the first time I dipped copenhagen snuff. It wasn't long before a pinch wasn't enough. I was addicted and it was very difficult to break the habit. That has been the only thing in my 77 years that I have been addicted too.
Since then: Parodis.