Pipe Community Goodness

in General
As we all know, the pipe community is full of friendly and kind people. What are some of your stories of how others have shown you the true colors of this community?
When I first started smoking a pipe and joined a forum, there were two instances where guys on there sent me samples or ounces of pipe tobacco because I was a new piper. The first one was especially helpful in guiding me past aromatics and into Virginia and Va/per blends. I gained a lot of favorites thanks to the two of them.
I also went to the Chicagoland Pipe Collectors Club for the first time last month. I normally don't get a chance to smoke a pipe with anyone, so this was a fantastic experience for me. Can't wait to go to the next meeting.
issues.Too many people in the house and only one semi-reliable income.We had to part with our
three outdoor dogs,as well as make our sons SO move back with her mother.Our income is such
that I have to scrimp and save to order online and going to the B&M is a treat saved for found money.
Anyway,I was chatting with a fellow on another forum and he kind of got me talking about upcoming
holidays and with that he then proceeded to contact another member of the site.About three weeks
after our conversation I get a package in the mail,note inside says "BooM".Over the next 2-3 weeks
I was getting hit every 2-3 days.I still have over two hundred cigars and about two pounds of pipe
tobaccos that they sent.I have never been the recipient of such kindness before,ever.Pipe
and cigar smokers are the finest people,and to be able to join with such people if only
on a public forum is the Highest Honor I have ever know.