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First Time

Hiker007Hiker007 Enthusiast
My wife is letting me smoke in the house for the first time.  I think she feels sorry for me.  Last night, I attempted to smoke a cigar in the yard.  I only got half way through and I had to come inside.  Between the heat and the bugs, it was not very enjoyable.  Then, tonight I was working on a paper for a class I am taking.  I was halfway done, when I lost everything due to some kind of saving format error.  My wife tried to help me retrieve the file, but we had no success.  So, I am starting over on the paper.  The great news is that she is letting enjoy my pipe while I redo the paper.  I have the best wife!!!!


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    motie2motie2 Master
    Indeed. Cherish her.
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    motie2motie2 Master


    Let us paint a scenario for you. It's the holiday season and you're all geared up to walk outside and enjoy one of your favorite blends in one of your favorite pipes. A quick glance through the window paints a picture so beautiful and serene you could frame it. Opening the door however, exposes you to a bonafide frozen hellscape, courtesy of Mother Nature. It's really cold now. Too cold. Actually enjoying your pipe outdoors is now next to impossible. So, what now?
    After you've warmed back up inside, you have a pressing decision to make. Are you going to find a way to brave the elements to smoke, or would you rather figure out a way to attempt smoking indoors?
    It's possible that smoking indoors is frowned upon in your home, especially with guests around. It doesn't matter how great your blends may smell because some lingering scents can seep into clothes, carpets, and nearby furniture. Not to mention a lack of consideration for others can turn any warm family moment into a passive aggressive death match. Bothering your potentially non smoke friendly guests may sound preferable to the whole freezing your butt off thing, but it's our thoughtfulness and considerate nature that truly marks a distinguished man of the pipe (that and smoking all these kick-ass blends)
    No one can blame you for choosing to stay in your own well heated home, but dealing with the timely influx of family and guests who may not enjoy the effects of your hobby complicates things. Some smokers may opt to spend more time at local smoker's lounges during the winter months, but that might not always be the most economical solution.
    We are pipe lifers, and we endure. The solution to this entire holiday challenge is to make proper use of ventilation. In a room where the air circulates properly, the smells never have a chance to set in and smoke is not allowed to congregate around your relatives. As I'm sure the A/C unit in your home is dedicated to keeping the home above absolute zero during this time, you can't rely on that ceiling fan for this one. That's why we think any smoker worth their salt should keep a freestanding household fan or two in the closet for just these occasions. It's best to position yourself near an open window (don't ever let these people say you don't love them) with the fan positioned to blow your smoke outside. You're probably going to need a blanket to enjoy this, but on the bright side it can cover up that god-ugly Christmas sweater you're wearing for a little while.
    With this little trick you can smoke as much as you can bear this holiday season, while still in relative comfort, and without disturbing any potential houseguests too much. And now that you've had a good bowl, you can finally figure out why there always seems to be more and more guests every year.
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    A wife that allows her husband smoke his pipe inside is a blessing indeed.  My wife occasionally will let me smoke inside as well but I can tell that the lingering odor worries her so I respect that and I will smoke outside with the bugs and heat. 
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