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How many pipes do you NEED?

Yes, this is a rhetorical question. 
Yes, I saw this question on another forum and "borrowed" the topic.

But seriously, how many pipes do you really need to be happy?

At what point do you turn from pipe smoker to Pipe Collector? 

Stay tuned and this question will be answered soon in an upcoming blog...


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    mfresamfresa Master
    @PappyJoe, to paraphrase John D. Rockefeller, "Just One More..."
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    PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    Need three, two to rotate, one backup.

    I want a considerable number more.
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    motie2motie2 Master
    @Philip speaks for me on this.
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    It's the old story of need over want. The common rule is to allow your pipe to rest 24 hours between smokes, so a good gage might be three pipes. But that plays into the pipe resting theory which was probably established by a pipe manufacture to sell more pipes. Old timers might have only had one pipe and smoked it throughout the day - every day. It wasn't until we got all 'sophisticated' and someone came up with the idea of resting your pipe between smokes. Talk to an old famer or someone who lived through hard times and they'll tell you ... "You can only smoke one pipe at a time ... why do you need more than one pipe". 

    Once you acquire ten pipes or more you're not simply a pipe smoker ... but a pipe enthusiast or hobbyist ... and collecting becomes your passion. And when it comes to hobbies there is no logical reasoning behind collecting things like stamps, rocks, Beanie Babies, Baseball Cards, costume jewelry, marbles, DVDs, or pipes ... how can you apply logic and  put a number on something like that when in reality no one 'needs' any of these things. We just want them.  

    One might ask the same question about the tobacco blends. "How many blends do you need?" The smart answer would be "what you can afford". But for the pipe enthusiast it's "variety is the spice of life - why must I only choose one?".

    I just finished posting photos all my pipes on The Daily Briar Photoshoot and think it was about forty pipes. Do I need that many ... absolutely not. Some might think that's excessive. But in a discussion about the same topic one  member suggested he lost count after 200. So I guess in the end it's more about the phrasing of the question ... are you asking a 'pipe smoker' or a 'pipe enthusiast/hobbyist'? 

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    mfresamfresa Master
    Hey @ghostofpompeii, if you are feeling that guilty about it, you can always send me a few of the ones you don't want :-)!! Just kidding!! LOL.
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    @mfresa That would be like giving away a child. Even that troublesome stinky kid who refuses to take a bath and has a Latakia ghost.
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    motie2motie2 Master
    From my archives; original author unknown:

    <<Are you a pipe "smoker" or a "pipe" smoker? The former is a smoker who smokers a pipe and enjoys the taste of tobacco. The latter is a smoker and enjoys the pipe.

    I think that being an aromatic smoker I'd probably have to admit to being a "pipe" smoker. I mentioned once before that were it possible to fill my pipe with cake batter, cookie dough, angel food cake, Crackerjacks, apple pie filling, cotton candy, or pancakes saturated in maple syrup and actually get it to stay lit long enough to smoke I'd be content. But until that day I'll have to be satisfied with flavored aromatic pipe tobacco. 

    To be honest I'm probably more inamored [sic] with the tranquility and meditative process of the pipe smoking experience. I can say with certainty that taking the time to sit back and truly enjoy my pipe has been very positive in my over all mental well being. I'm finally able to sit still and relax without fidgeting. And I can feel the negative energy welled-up inside me dissipate with each puff as my thoughts are no longer cluttered with the chaos of trying to solve problems outside my control. And even though world events around me continue be in a perpetual state of turmoil, my relationship with my pipe has taught me to mute the madness, mellow out, and appreciate the little things in life. >>
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    I think I might know who that author was. The misspelling is a dead give-a-way.
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    motie2motie2 Master
    Nu, so, who? 

    (Oh gosh, was it you?)
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    Asking a pipe collector how many pipes do they need, is like asking a stamp collector how many stamps do they need.

    The thing about it for me, is pipes are an impulse item. Right now I have enough pipes to satisfy my needs, but as soon as I see a new one that catches my eye, that is when I need at least 1 more.

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    My wife just came back from getting one of our lamps repaired and had a surprise for me. She found a Rosewood Kaywoodie at a nearby antique shop and bought it for me. Now I have my first Kaywoodie. Add one more pipe to the collection.
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    Londy3Londy3 Master
    I like the idea of having 7, one for every day.  I also like the idea of having the right one for the right occasion.  Example, If i am going out with friends I am not bringing my corn cob unless its like a pool party or causal gathering. If a wedding, same thing, I bring the Savinelli its my accessory to compliment my surroundings, suite and situation. So, 7 should provide the variety and the daily use we all need.
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    I admit it, I have a problem.  I guess I am a collector more than a smoker.....ok, no guessing I am a collector.  I like to refurbish old pipes..actually...any pipe.   I feel like I am saving a part of history with every pipe I bring back from the cusp of oblivion.  I also like new pipes, I love the skill and craftsmanship that go into making a pipe.  I have the skills to refurbish and make new pipes well.   I think it may have something to do with my OCD (self diagnosed after watching the TV series "Monk"....yep I have many of those traits.  Not all, and not nearly as strong, but very similar).  At the present I have 400 pipes or more and probably 125-150 different tobacco blends.  I think that qualifies me as a collector ;)
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    @ghostsofpompeii - If you look at the markings, it will have a 2, 3 or 4 digit number that will identify the shape and give you an estimate of hold old it is. It it doesn't have any shape numbers, then it was probably made after 1982.
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    @PappyJoe  The pipe is called a 'Redroot' and there are no digit numbers stamped, so it's not one of the highly sought Kaywoodies. It's still a beautiful pipe. The stem was out of  align but I used the method I saw in a YouTube video of heating the singer and I was able to get it to line up properly. It's the only pipe I own with a stinger. I could saw it off but I don't really want to destroy the pipe. It only cost $15.00, and it's probably not worth much more than that ... but I prefer it in it's original condition. The read added bonus was my wife bought it for me without any special occasion to tied it to ... so for that reason alone the pipe makes me smile.  
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    motie2motie2 Master
    @ghostsofpompeii -- My very first pipe, 1964, was a Kaywoodie tricorn. It became a really good smoke after about a year when I sawed the stinger off.
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    How many do I need.. versus want?

    I guess need 7-14 to allow some rotation and to be able to keep separate pipes for the aros vs. non.

    I bought a couple of bags of Missouri Meerschaum 2nds ($33 for 10) which I've been using to test blends that I purchased.  It also gave me a pretty good idea of what shapes I'd like to have long term.
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    PhilipPhilip Enthusiast
    To get the actual number just take what each of us has said and add them up. We are up to about three hundred.
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    dbh1950dbh1950 Newcomer
    A rotation of seven pipes might be a standard, though arbitrary for certain. My Grandfather had 3 or 4 pipes, he also smoked cigars and liked his chewing tobacco. I suppose, I would be more of a hobbyist as far as pipes, but I do smoke every pipe I own. Obviously, there are certain pipes I find more of a pleasure to smoke, having comfortable shape, bowl size, etc. Whether pipe smoking for the sake of smoking or smoking as a hobbyist/ collector, just enjoy what you are engaged in.
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