BriarWorks Peach Cobbler - First Impressions
in Tobacco Talk
My evening smoke tonight was my first bowl of BriarWorks Peach Cobbler. I had it in my radiator pipe with a Briar Works tall bowl.
I let it dry for about an hour before lighting. It took several tries to keep it lit and also required several relights. Its really wet smoking to me at least.
I could taste peaches and some cinnamon but nothing that reminded me of a crust taste I'd expect with cobbler. I might have to mix in some vanilla next time and see if I get that ice cream topping taste.
I like the cool mason jar packaging and the jar had a good seal when opened. I'll finish it off, but I'm not sure I'll buy anymore in the future.
So far I've accumulated...
Out of all of these the Super Value is prolly the least Peachy.
The Taste of Summer is next on the scale, then Briarworks and finally, for me at least, the Sutliff Peach Cobbler is my favorite Peach fix.
Don't get me wrong. The others mentioned here are somewhat peachy and are nice smokes, I'm actually having a bowl of the Taste of summer as I type.
I've noticed, after purchasing some less than great blends for my unsophisticated palate over the last few months, that I'm doin a whole lot more "review readin" before I pull the trigger.