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in Tobacco Talk
P&C has Sutliff Vanilla Custard on sale for $1.35 per oz.. Hey @motie2, and @ghostsofpompeii your bells are ringing.
Happy Birthday Motie.......
This blend contains the unique Katerini perique. Very few pipe smokers have heard about this tobacco, and with good reason. Sutliff is the only pipe tobacco blender who has this tobacco. Katerini tobacco is an oriental tobacco growing on the mainland in Greece. For the first time in history the Katerini is fermented after the original perique recipe, the result is sublime. Katerini perique has a lighter taste than normal perique, and as an extra gain, it develops a deep raisin/fruity taste. The Katerini perique is blended with a part Red Virginia and fair amount of Virginia Cavendish and for the sake of balance, a small part of high-grade Burley is used. A blend with lots of Virginia sweetness and the unique taste of raisins/dark fruit coming from the Katerini Perique.
50% OFF ANY Pipe Making Item, Finished pipe or Unfinished pipe
Tnx for that post. Ordered 10 predrilled stummels ( I'm sure most of them will be flawed) $18.40 tax and all!
I'll see if I can turn any of them from a sows ear to a silk purse.
Something to work on through the winter months.
Tnx again...