Burning the top of my bowl
I am having a hard time lighting my pipe without burning the top of the bowl. My corn cobb is black. I am currently only using matches and a BIC lighter. At some point I want to get a true pipe lighter, but that will have to wait.
I am about to buy my first high quality pipe and hate the idea of it looking like my corn cob!
I never fill my bowls to the top. Always leave about 1/4" showing.
I then carefully use a pipe lighter to prelight my tobacco, purposely staying away from the edges/rim of the bowl. Then gently tamp it which slightly lowers the tobacco level even more while working some of the unlighted edge tobacco towards the middle of the bowl with my tamper.
Now my pipe lighter has room to get INTO the bowl to give it a good light, and every relight consequently, is done with the flame being below the rim. Charring is then held in check for quite some time.
Unfortunately, over time buildup/discoloration on the rim will eventually occur, but treatment of that problem is another story...
You have the words from the master @KA9FFJ.
You might be holding the flame too close to the top of the tobacco? Keep the flame 1/4” or so off of the top of the tobacco, and draw the flame into the pipe.