The 6th Annual TPL Secret Santa Exchange

in General

Hey everyone!
The time has come for another Christmas gift exchange! While I know I haven't been the most active poster this year, don't think I haven't forgotten my good friends here. No way would I let a year pass without our forum having a chance to spread some good holiday cheer.
The same rules apply this year:
Sign up on the link below if you want to join. Remember, only join if you plan on participating.
It's important to sign up on Elfster, as that's how names are drawn/addresses are sent to each other.
Build up/edit your wish list so your Secret Santa has an idea on what to get you. You're not limited to pipes/tobacco, but remember to keep it reasonable.
The last day to sign up is Monday, December 13th. Names will automatically be sent on Tuesday the 14th.
Spending limit is $30. You're free to go over if you wish, but no one is required to.
Gifts should be sent out in time to reach your Secret Santa before Christmas. You can be the judge of this, but the earlier the better, if only to ease my mind that everyone is accounted for.
We've had a great time each year, and I'm proud to say that there haven't been anyone that's ended up on the permanent naughty list due to skipping out on sending their gifts out. Let's keep the tradition trucking along and continue having a great time!
From the app:
There is now only one of you......
1) your address is accurate and completely filled out, including first and last name.
Thanks, Santa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(And obiden is a butthole)
So are you saying that signing up and drawing names by July 15 is out of the question?
If I participated, I would be in favor of drawing names by Nov. 15th.
That's what I'm talking about!! Thank you for understanding how I feel about it and for sounding off!!!