Peterson Pipes

in General
I have owned a number of Peterson pipes over the years, decent smokers at a reasonable price. After reading an article in the latest issue of P&T Magazine, I won't purchase another, and this is why. Peterson employs 40 workers, none of which smoke a pipe, intact there is only one pipe smoker in the entire company, and he rarely smokes a pipe, other than when he is tasting Peterson tobaccos for new release. Further, they don't even turn their own bowls, that is done in Italy along with the cutting of the stems. The only work done in the factory, is the finishing of the pipes.
Now, as an avid smoker and collector, why spend my money on a Peterson, when they don't even share in the hobby? Isn't our money spent more wisely on boutique pipe makers that enjoy the hobby first and foremost, and create pipes out of the love of the hobby, and the desire to advance the hobby, through the creation of art, that furthers our endeavors in pipe, and tobacco related pursuits?
Now, as an avid smoker and collector, why spend my money on a Peterson, when they don't even share in the hobby? Isn't our money spent more wisely on boutique pipe makers that enjoy the hobby first and foremost, and create pipes out of the love of the hobby, and the desire to advance the hobby, through the creation of art, that furthers our endeavors in pipe, and tobacco related pursuits?
Abreathawayfromglory i love yours
For me, I just love Peterson's and how they look. I chose a Peterson as my first pipe because I dig their designs. When I thought of a pipe, a Peterson was what came to my mind. I love all of my Pete's, and they'll be part of my collection until I pass on.
@thesubcon Going to Peterson's shop was a dream come true for me. If you get a chance to go, you'll love it.
@Abreathawayfromglory Love that Pete!
Is there a preferred method for a Peterson? New to this pipe life, online and in life.
I have a few of estate pipes and a few basket pipes. But this is one that havn't had so I just picked up a brand-new Peterson 313 system pipe.
Really want to form an opinion and learn from this.
Thanks it's my first but for sure not my last
I have 3 Peterson's, 1 of them is brand new. I've never had any problems with them, they are all good smokers. There is a bowl coating on all Pete's that I have seen, but bowl coatings don't really bother me, it doesn't seem to affect the taste. It is somewhat disconcerting to find out that the people at this most reputable company don't smoke pipes, definitely not what I expected to hear. I love Peterson's designs as well, most of them are a decent size chunk of briar, I always thought of them as a meaty, manly pipe.
Pipes System Standard Rusticated (31) P-Lip €85.37
Just a note on the Pete 31, the pipe is on the small side, and the bowl is only about half as deep as normal because of the well directly underneath the bowl. It’s a pretty short smoke…even for a guy like me that gravitates towards smaller pipes. I’m not trying to dissuade you in any way though. I also gravitate to straight pipes, but the Peterson System really shines in bents.
I had that very problem with my Pete 03 last night. It sucks when the smoke tears my eye’s while trying to dispatch other players in WoT online.
I have never been a big fan of Peterson pipes. I have owned several in the past and didn't keep them. As of last October, I had two in my collection. One was a Peterson Fermoy which was a birthday present and the other was a Peterson Kapp-Royal made for Iwan Ries as a store branded pipe that I found at a junktique mall. (I kept the Kapp-Royal because it's an oddball. It's stamped Kapp-Royal but has beading around the stummel that was only used for the Dunwoody line of Petersons.)
Then in October, I bought a Peterson Sherlock Holmes Original and gave it to my wife to hold until my upcoming birthday. She decided to give it to me as a Christmas present instead.
In all my years of pipe smoking, I have only had maybe three or four new pipes that really didn't need breaking in. This Sherlock Holmes Original is one of them. The first bowl I smoked in it lasted about 1.25 hours with only one relight. It smoked so well, that I found myself smoking it daily for 10 straight days.