Name your Balkan Blends
in Tobacco Talk
I am sad to admit that after 42 years of pipe smoking, I am just now discovering the joy of smoking Balkan Blends.
I am also sad that the 1st Balkan Blend I tried was a year old tin of SPC Pike Place that I opened about a week ago only to find out it can no longer be produced and sold. The 2nd Balkan I have tried is Crown Achievement but it's not the same. It's a Balkan but from a different family.
So. Here's my question: "What is/are the best Balkan Blends that are available?"
From my vantage point, if the latakia is driving, and the Orientals are in the back seat, then it's an English blend.
If the Orientals are driving, with the lat in the back seat, it's an Oriental.
H&H Blackhouse
C&D Super Balkan
Balkan Sasieni
G. L. Pease Abingdon
Arrango Balkan Sobranie
Sutliff Balkan II
Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture
G. L. Pease Kensington
Mac Baren HH Balkan Blend
C&D Atlas Balkan
McClellands Yenidje Highlander (have two ounces left)
Arrango Balkan Supreme
Brebbia Balkan
G. L. Pease Charing Cross
H&H Fusilier's Ration
Captain Earl's Stimulus Package
H&H White Knight
Peterson Balkan Delight
G. L. Pease Ashbury
SPC Rainier Levant
H&H Magnum Opus
Comoy's Cask 11
Drucquer & Sons: Levant Mixture
G. L. Pease Caravan
C&D Sunset Harbor Flake
I picked up a 2oz clear bag labeled “Balkan” on it at my local cigar shop. So I did some research. This is what I found.
English- The older use of the term “English blend” just meant that the tobacco used was unflavored, since, under old laws, processors in the UK were not allowed to add much of anything to their tobaccos. Today, the description is a bit more specific. For my purposes, an English blend is a tobacco which has a dominant note of Latakia, and the secondary flavor comes from Virginia(s).
Balkan- Similar to an English, but after the Latakia, the most prominent flavor will come from Turkish or Oriental tobaccos. The name, of course, comes from the superb original Balkan Sobranie (a blend which used some of the most outstanding Orientals ever).