A Book and Bowl

I have two major hobbies: reading and smoking my pipe. Oddly enough, I many times struggle doing the two together for reasons like having to keep pipe lit, only smoking outside and wind keeps blowing my pages, and other minor frustrations. But when I am able to pair them, it’s hobby bliss.
Does anyone else enjoying reading while smokinng a bowl of their favorite tobacco? If so what are you reading and what are you smoking?
i am currently reading Nathaniel Philbrick’s Mayflower while smoking either Orlick Golden or 7 Seas. I love a good aromatic but sometimes I struggle too much keeping them lit to enjoy while reading.
Does anyone else enjoying reading while smokinng a bowl of their favorite tobacco? If so what are you reading and what are you smoking?
i am currently reading Nathaniel Philbrick’s Mayflower while smoking either Orlick Golden or 7 Seas. I love a good aromatic but sometimes I struggle too much keeping them lit to enjoy while reading.
Im not familiar with that book but I will throw it on my list. I am a Lovecraft fan.
Also I have waned to try Gawith and Hogarth ever since I first heard it mentioned on Country Squire Radio. Any particular blend you’d recommend as a good example of their brand?
you literally just answered the question I was about to ask! I own a kindle (I’m not a hater though I do love the feel of a book better). So I was going to ask if it was easier since I can palm a kindle in one hand easily.
Great idea! And great book series as well
@jfreedy how are you enjoying The Silmarillion? It has been sitting on my shelf for many years (ever since I finished LoTR for the first time), but there always seems to be something else to read instead. Also, do you smoke some traditional Tolkien tobacco while enjoying Middle Earth?.
The Martin Shaw version of The Silmarillion is what I'm listening to. He's also the narrator of the BBC LOTR audio books.
@buflosab I love Agatha Christie. I tend towards her Hercule Poirot mysteries, but all her stuff is excellent and well thought out. I too saw that list PBS put out. Saw many on the list I agreed with, some I hadn’t heard of, so it was good to get it out there. What do you prefer to smoke while reading?
When I read and smoke my pipe, it's with a book and not an electronic device. I tried audio books, but find the constant droning of one voice to be conducive to good sleeping.
@PappyJoe we are of the same heart when it comes to books. When we sold our last house I had to pack up my library and my wife and I were severely overwhelmed that I had SO MANY boxes of books. We filled 15 big 55gal containers of books. I rarely buy a new book, but I can spend hours at a used book store. I haven’t built shelving for the library in the new home yet. But it’s on the list!
@buflosab my wife (Erin) just began reading a Poirot novel I oddly enough haven’t read called Hercule Poirot’s Christmas. I’m sure it’s a good one. I’m trying to convince her to pair it with some tobaccos but she won’t bite. I don’t think Poirot was a pipe man anyways. I see him with a cigar or long stem cigarette.
good call on the jazz. I am always in search for “pipe music” as my wife calls it. Though I tend towards relaxing folk while sipping a pipe on the porch I also enjoy angood jazz album. I have not quite mastered holding the pipe in my teeth while busying with my hands. The only pipe I can do it with is one of my corn cobs. I tend to bite down too hard.
Good stuff @buflosab ! I’ve been amazed at the stuff I’ve grown interest for over the years that I had previously ignored as a younger man.
I've also been reading three Sci-Fi series, Mike Shepherd's "Kris Longknife" series as well as David Drake's "Republic of Cinnabar Navy" series. Then there is David Weber's "Honor Harrington" series (which seems to have sprouted several sub-series).