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Pipes and the Labor Day Weekend Plan

My wife and I will be joining another couple in Narragansett and staying at a cottage in this wonderful seaside community in Rhode Island.  Among the anticipated ample liquid pleasures we will enjoy (craft beer and Scotch), I'm bringing a full compliment of cigars, pipes and plenty of tobacco to enjoy all day and every day.  Does anyone else have plans to end the Summer this weekend?  


  • Staying home for the weekend but will be fishing,cooking, chores, hanging with friends and supporting the pipe tobacco industry by keeping my pipe(s) lit most of the time.
  • I'll be spending it gearing up for next weekend's opening of bow season. Tomorrow afternoon, though, is reserved for BBQ, a beer or two, and college football. None of which precludes keeping a pipe lit, of course.
  • Enjoying the long weekend with my wife.  Monday is our 13th year anniversary and we will just being spending the weekend without the kids and together.  She did reassure me that we will spend the evenings on the back porch having coffee and my pipe.

  • Considering that the season of summer isn't officially over until September 23rd - unless you live in south Louisiana when summer may not end until November 23rd - I will wait to celebrate summer when it gets slightly cooler. 

    For the Labor Day weekend this year we have no plans other than to avoid all the stress which we can. For me, this means doing whatever SWMBO wants to do and when she doesn't want to do anything I'll either be working on my latest pipe restoration projects (two Ben Wades made in Denmark) and watching college football, imbibing adult beverages and smoking my pipes. 
  • BBQ, sports, pipes of course
  • Play couch potato and try out my cobs bought at the naspc show
  • I have two estate pipes that came into my possession over the past three weeks, a Savinelli Lovat from ebay and a Kaywoodie billiard @Londy3 was kind enough to gift me. Since then, I've been collecting items I'd need to restore these pipes to their former glory, thanks to the suggestions of everyone in the oxidized stem thread. I have them undergoing a salt treatment at the moment, and tomorrow I plan on restoring the stems and buffing the briar so they look as good as new. Hopefully, by Sunday or Monday, they'll be ready for smoking.

    The past few weekends I've been working overtime, so I plan on relaxing this weekend with some gaming, housework, and of course, plenty of pipes and writing.
  • I hope to get out on the rear deck and smoke a bowl or two......
  • I intend to seriously chill. I was gone most of last weekend, will be gone next weekend - I need down time. Pipes will definitely be smoked.
  • I’m be watching my daughter in the OU marching band today. This is her first game and she’s really excited. If anyone watches on TV she is the flute at the bottom right corner of the “U.”

    ... and then I’ll be smoking LOTS of pipe tobacco!
  • Enjoyed the Rumpole of the Bailey reference

  • Believe it or not my fondest Labor Day celebration was The Jerry Lewis Telethon. Sure it was filled with sub-par acts, and Lewis could be downright annoying at times ... but it was an American Institution and Jerry Lewis should have been commended for his part in the Charity Organization. So when he was abruptly removed for the Telethon I was absolutely shocked. Even if I only watched the final hour of the show as the final totals were racked up ... it had really become a part of my Labor Day tradition. Well once Jerry was canned the event took on less and less significance, and the hours were drastically cut from a 24 hour event to a few hours at best. The number of local stations that carried the broadcast dwindled as well. And now I don't even think it exists. Whatever issue the MDA had with Lewis, unceremoniously canning him just a few years before his death sure didn't help their cause any. If anything the move ultimately killed their Annual Cash Cow. So now I celebrate Labor Day by watching an old Jerry Lewis, or Lewis & Martin movie. That and an afternoon barbeque.     
  • I'm working 12's all weekend and Labor day but fortunately my Union forefathers fought for weekend and holiday pay to make it worth not marching in the Labor Day Parade.

  • Two sons (Ritchie from Happy Days -elder- and Caligula -younger- ) coming for cookout today.  Elder son's wife, too. Hope to have a few bowls on the rear deck. 
  • jfreedyjfreedy Master
    edited September 2018
  • No, I'm talking personality types......
  • Preached at the chapel yesterday. Continuing to work on a toddler bed and a few bowls today. 
  • Actually, I am between jobs now. But my wife wants to clean out the front garden. I want to reset the bricks the mark the border between garden and yard. That will be a big, hard job. 

    Once the Labor is officially completed, or I give up, I will retreat to the garage with some McClelland 2010 Virginia. Haven't decided which pipe to use. 
  • @motie2 and @jfreedy I pretty much describe my two sons in a similar fashion. The youngest son (on the left) has been a bouncer for several years and best described as a henchman for Tony Soprano. Whereas the oldest son (on the right) is in the medical profession. Yet in this picture I can see a bit of a hitman in his eyes as well. But we usually joke that one son puts people in the hospital while the other one tries putting the pieces back together.  

  • @ghostsofpompeii --

    Elder son

    Younger son

    Of course, the younger son has this

  • @motie2 Sure would have likes one of them awards back when I was making music. Great looking boys. 
  • I suggested to SWMBO that the elder's blond hair and Hazel eyes came from the milkman, but
    1) there were already no milkmen 40 years ago. and
    2) SWMBO was adopted, so it was a crap shoot
  • jim102864jim102864 Master
    edited September 2018
    The photos of your sons reminded me of this song from the Decemberists.  A great band whose lyrics are inspired by poems, operas, civil war era history and such,  They can get pretty dark, but it's the pretty dark stuff that I love the most.

  • That look in their eyes is something I might expect after announcing ... "I've just finishing writing my will and left all my money to the local cat shelter."
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