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73 yrs ago today-August 6-1945

buflosabbuflosab Master
edited August 2018 in General
Sorry gents off subject again, Hiroshima to important to bypass. The black& white photo is taken off the internet, the color photos were taken by my nephew when he visited Hiroshima 2 years ago. Great contrast between then and now.From what I understand the particular structure was left as is.The bridge in the background was a landmark for Tibbets and the crew of the Enola Gay to drop the bomb, although I'm sure it probably has been restored.Not making any sort of a statement, just thought some may enjoy the then and now of history.


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    Apologies, the great amateur historian put down the wrong month,August not April. I 
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    Bloodhound61Bloodhound61 Master
    edited August 2018
    Awesome pictures of a truly significant event in this world's history, @buflosab.

    Not to waste the date posted, on April 6, 1722, Tsar Peter of Russia eliminated a tax on men with beards....which continues to be good news for many of us pipe smokers.
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    Thank you very much,it wasn’t 10 seconds after I posted that I realized wrong month And thank you for your contribution concerning another important date, had no idea.
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    You guys know you can edit your posts right?

    @buflosab, this is truly a powerful statement. A time to reflect on history and never repeat it again. A reminder of how evil the world can be yet how unthinkable distructive forces can also stop it.
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    Thanks@Londy3, I really don't know how to edit on this site, I tried to delete the 3 full pages of pictures (same pictures) I posted awhile back, I sure you can recall, and nothing happened, fill me in sir. Just figured once you hit post comment it's all over. I mean I have edited on other sites, just couldn't figure it out on TPL.Thank you again for your observation it was right on.
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    @buflosab To edit your posts, hit the Preview button which will then allow you to review and edit before posting.  You can also edit after by clicking on the spoke you see on your posts in the upper right hand corner.  
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    I love the before and after photos too!  I've always been fascinated by history.  Thanks for posting!
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    Bloodhound61Bloodhound61 Master
    edited August 2018
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    Interestingly enough, that's one of the two observation bombers that flew with the Enola Gay. Very aptly named, IMHO
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    @jim102864, Thank you for the kind words and also the edit information.@Bloodhound61 , Thankyou for the picture, the art work is sensational, pretty sure the ground crew did this freehand.
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    Thank you everyone, just edited the date, learn something new today.
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    My mom has a couple of post cards that my father a US Army PFC sent from WWII Japan back in 1945-46.  I remember one is a picture of that same building.  I think the other was of a razed Nagasaki.
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    @RockyMountainBriar, That is a great piece of information, my feeling is the postcards probably got tossed somewhere along the way.Those items would have been one hell of a keepsake, but I guess people wanted to forget as much as humanly possible and move on.On the other hand if they were saved I hope someone in your family has them.
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         Yes, my mother is very much alive and still has the post cards.  By the way, from what I remember, there were some hand colored postcards too.  Interestingly, I have a handmade plywood box that my father sent something home in as well.  Marked with his home address (my fathers parents) in big black letters with lots of stamps.  My mom and dad got married in 1964.....some might say he was a “cradle robber”.  Dad was born in ‘27’ mom in ‘41’.  Sadly my father passed in 1989.
         I also have a “Pelican” case that my younger brother sent a tea set from Iraq to our mother in.  He was one of the many marines in Iraq (Force Recon Sniper-two tours in Iraq and another in Afghanistan).  He made it home ok. The case has all of the shipping stickers and address labels still on it.  I use it for a big ass cigar humidor, and aging my home grown tobacco.  It works great.
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    @RockyMountainBriar, That is fantastic news, items or momentous that can be handed down from generation to generation. 
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