The state of the Pipe Industry?

I ran across this article on the decline of pipe smoking since the 1970’s. No real secret there. I’m sure some/most of you have read it previously. Considering the cited 90% decrease in pipe tobacco sales since that time and the social trends that may have played a part, does anyone have any insight into the overall health status of the industry? By industry, I mean everyone from the tobacco producer to the pipe maker.
I’m sure there has been consolidation and such for companies to remain profitable, but I’m curious as to the long term prospects.
I’m sure there has been consolidation and such for companies to remain profitable, but I’m curious as to the long term prospects.
This, of course, is separate but entangled with the whole deeming issue.
The biggest danger to pipe smoking these days are the pending FDA deeming regulations but I don't think that is going to drive all the pipe tobacco off the market.
IMO the biggest threat is coming from companies and their insurance providers going tobacco/nicotine free as a condition of employment. The company my company is contracted to tests their employees.
Still, good information for those of us who might be concerned for personal reasons.
While on paper this sounds like a good thing, more pipe smokers, YAY!! However, the newer smokers entering the hobby are not exclusively smoking a pipe. They're experimental and are more likely to try new things, whether it be different pipe blends, cigars, hookah, smokeless, etc. So overall more people are potentially smoking a pipe than ever, but there is less pipe tobacco being consumed.
I agree with you @PappyJoe, the current FDA deeming rules aren't going to kill the pipe tobacco category. But in my opinion, what could destroy the category is a flavor ban, which the FDA is currently considering:
They're exploring how flavors attract youth into tobacco product use as well as whether/how certain flavors may help adult cigarette smokers reduce cigarette use and switch to potentially less harmful products. The FDA is accepting public comments until 6/19/2018 before they convene for any potential rule-making.
A couple of thoughts based on my reading of the link you sent:
- These are not "tobacco" rules being considered. These are "nicotine" rules. Expanding the discussion to include all forms of nicotine use and paraphernalia, allows for growth of the FDA and sources of tax revenue but does nothing to solve the only nicotine-related health problem of national significance IMHO, the smoking of manufactured cigarettes. The Government is incapable of prioritizing to solve a problem, assuming solving a problem is an actual goal. Sorry for the micro-rant.
- The FDA has discovered (backed by science!) that people tend to consume more of things that taste good. God help us if Big Food or Big Candy stumble onto these findings. It could create an obesity problem in the country.
I do wish someone with an iota of common sense from the FDA would read over the posts in this group. It would be apparent within a half hour that further regulating pipes & pipe tobacco equates to cracking down on the fine wine industry in an effort to curb alcohol abuse.
While our current reality is, well... Our Current Reality, it doesn't make it right. Over reach by our elected civil servants and their appointed bureaucrats was never the intent of the founding fathers, regardless of how "simple" of a time we perceive their time in history.
For an organization, that was originally formed to prevent the adulteration or misbranding of food and drugs on the American Market, the current heavy handed actions we have witnessed, as they relate to tobacco, are an incredible act of self anointed empowerment over the citizenry of our nation.
In the USA, elected officials are self serving on our dime.