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Very Disappointed with Pipes and Cigars



  • DavidR002DavidR002 Connoisseur
    I received a P&C gift card from my daughter in law. Single mom 2 kids. I tried to use the card but their was nothing own it. Called P&C they could not help me said it was illegal to talk to me about it they had to talk to her. I said that I did not want to involve her because if P&C sent me a empty card , she now feels like she has come up with the money if they did not apply her money to the card  They said sorry . I said Ok
  • Bloodhound61Bloodhound61 Master
    edited May 2018
    @DavidR002, I do believe I would mention it to her. A couple of reasons being that she pretty certainly didn’t intend to go to the trouble of sending you an empty gift card and, if there is an error on P&C’s part which has already cost her the funds, she’d want to get that straightened out with them.

    I’m thinking the latter as I’m puzzled as to how she’d obtain an empty gift card in the first place....pretty hard to do without adding a value to them.
  • Just received my first order for a couple of tins from tobacco pipes.com. Ordered Thursday and received on Monday with the weekend in between {it helps that I’m pretty close). I’d recommend them for the service, free shipping, and the nice little goodie bag they included as a first-time buyer.
  • DavidR002DavidR002 Connoisseur
    That was my thought why send a gift card with nothing own it they should check it first will let you know 
  • pwkarchpwkarch Master
    I believe their largest problem is their customer service people. I have only dealt with the twice on the phone, and both times they were quick with me and very rude.

    By comparison, I have talked to SmokingPipes Customer Service people who could not have been any friendlier, respectful, and polite. Maybe it is the difference in Geographical locations, or education, or company SOP?

    I wil think long and hard before dealing with P&C again......
  • DavidR002DavidR002 Connoisseur
    edited May 2018
    Follow up own the gift card. After several phones calls to Pipes & cigars said they did not know why there was nothing own my gift card. I told them how much was  own the card $25 they did the right thing and gave me a credit.
  • @pwkarch Sounds like Russ did a fine job taking care of you. A business survives on their customer service, and thankfully Russ did the right thing and made things right. Thank you for posting your update and letting us know.
  • piperdavepiperdave Connoisseur
    @pwkarch Glad to hear they made good for you.
  • mseddonmseddon Professor
    Looking back, I've had P&C screw up an order - sometimes in small ways, sometimes in big ways - about a third of the time. They've always fixed it for me, but it's a pain in the neck. As near as I can tell there are some in their shipping dept. who just throw whatever seems closest to the order in the box. Gotta be costing them, I'm surprised it isn't getting fixed.
  • I personally have only had couple of easily resolvable instances with P&C. 
    That said however, it is the squicky wheel that gets the oil; meaning that if a viable complaint is not resolved, you move up the food chain.
    So I did a little research and was surprised to find out what that Cigars international owns P&C and a publicly traded company in Sweden  called Swedish Match AB owns Cigars International.
    So if you want to lodge a complaint, I say make it count and send an letter to the president Lars Dahlgren at their corporate office Sweden or their corporate office in Virginia (Two James Center, 1021 East Cary St. Suite 1600, Richmond, VA 23219
    Or you can e-mail at contactus@swedishmatch.com or info@smna.com, the latter address is for the US office. 
    I would include some language talking about how poor the customer service has become.
    Of course this is just what I would do;  when I`m  pissed it`s no holds barred 

  • Same here Mapletop. When I get a burr under my butt it becomes "war". This issue was over less than $5.00 but to me the principle was over a $1m. particularly with the way my call was handled by customer support. But, again they stepped up and resolved the issue when the issue went higher on the food chain. I will however say that as of my last visit to their site the same photo appears implying you get two of the bits for the price advertised. I hve been keeping my eye out as I was told they were going to replace that photo so as not to be "misleading"..
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