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Chicago Pipe Show 2018- May 4th & 5th

It's that time again, Chicago Pipe Show is right around the corner! 

If you're attending the show this year, come hang out with This Pipe Life. We'll be set up in the smoking tent during the swap and sell on Friday and during show hours Saturday, and Sunday.

Who else is gonna be there?


  • daveinlaxdaveinlax Connoisseur
    I will be arriving early next Thursday! 
  • piperdavepiperdave Connoisseur
    @NicoleSTGLaneLtd We will look for you when we get there my brother and I are attending again with our wives. We will look for the table. Safe travels. :)
  • I might stop on Monday or Tuesday to get a picture of the tent being assembled. I will definitely be there early Wed morning through Sunday. 
  • I will be there for at least Saturday. Not certain if I’ll make Sunday, but definitely Saturday. 
  • WoobieWoobie Enthusiast
    I'm from Indiana, and would definitely make that trip, were I not currently stuck in Alabama.
  • piperdave, it should be really easy to find the table. Walk into the tent. Keep walking about 15 feet. When you hit something hard, you found their table.

    This assumes they get the same spot as last year. I assume so.
  • BentbrierBentbrier Professor
    Really wish I could go.  Too far from Denver and then there's that whole work thing.
  • jfreedyjfreedy Master
    I assume it's in St. Charles again this year. I used to live there and have always wanted to go back to visit. Now I have another reason to. Wish I could make it this year. Maybe next year.
  • piperdavepiperdave Connoisseur
    @Winton Yeah I think last year they were right next to the bar inside of the tent. between their table and the bar it was like a maze to even get inside to find a spot to sit down. I am sure on Friday they will be somewhere else cause that tent is going to be packed for the swap. Hope to see you there Winton. @thebadgerpiper I will try to look for you on Saturday. If I see ya I will say hello.
  • @piperdave I'll do my best to keep an eye out for you as well! I plan on arriving after lunch on Saturday and go immediately to the dealer hall. Once done in there, I'll probably spend the rest of the time in the smoking tent. I'd enjoy meeting up and having a chat.
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    Sooooooo, how was the show?
  • The show was fantastic. I've never been to a pipe show before, so I felt overwhelmed when I first walked onto the show floor. There were tables everywhere with vendors selling all sorts of pipes and tobacco. I had to walk through the show floor twice before I started focusing on pipes I wanted to purchase. The show had people all over the globe either selling or buying pipes. I'm a pretty quiet person, but the fellow attendees were friendly, and often started conversations with me over the pipes in front of us.

    I went for both days, and on Sunday I got to meet @piperdave and his brother. We had a good time chatting about the show, pipes, and pipe tobacco. Saturday, I met LazarusPipes from Instagram and his father. I purchased one of his estate pipes, and he was great to chat with.

    If you get a chance to go, I highly recommend it. They have all kinds of pipes for sale for everyone's budget, and there were some tobacco retailers with a wide selection of blends to pick from.

    I didn't take a ton of pictures at the event, but here's three from Saturday.

  • WintonWinton Master
    I was there from Wed to Sunday. I just realized I didn't take a single picture. Nicole was set up next to the entrance to the tent again. There is a good chance that I talked to you, if you were at the show. I spent most of my spare time in the tent. 

  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    @thebadgerpiper, hey man thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like a big show. I am glad you had fun. So, do you have pics of what you bought?
  • @Londy3 I do, but I wanted to give attention to the show first. I picked up two estate pipes, two corncob pipes, three tins of pipe tobacco, and one Missouri Meerschaum patch.

    The top pipe is a Sasieni Canadian pipe. It's definitely the longest pipe in my collection, almost like a churchwarden. The bottom left pipe is a GBD Bulldog that I purchased from Lazarus Pipes (who is a great guy, and sells fantastic estate pipes). The bottom right is a Charles Towne corncob. I was hoping Missouri Meerschaum would bring this style of cob to the show (as it seems to be sold out everywhere online). Thankfully, they did, and it became my first purchase from the show.

    The bottom pipe is The Markus cob. I dug the mixture of a poker, lovat shape. The three tins above are all Cornell & Diehl. Black Frigate and Haunted Bookshop are favorites, but Salty Dog was new.
  • WintonWinton Master
    SPC Plum Pudding won the Chicago Bowl. The other two blends were PS Luxury Navy Flake and Drunken Squire by C&D. The voting was very close.
  • @thebadgerpiper - Salty dog? I've always found it to have a pronounced citrus taste like grapefruit with just enough salt to tame the bitterness. I think its topped with Vodka.

    Sea Dog is a good blend in my opinion. I've just finished one tin and will be buying another one or two. 
  • jfreedyjfreedy Master
    Wow... super jealous of all who got to attend the show this year. @thebadgerpiper, I love all your new pipes. I have a Sasieni second that smokes great. I also have an MM Marcus (one of my lunting pipes). I will definitely be getting one of the Charles Towne cobs & someday hope to own a GBD as well. Great purchases, all!!
  • @PappyJoe Salty Dog wouldn't be a bad name for an additional blend in a nautical line of pipe tobacco. I picked up Sea Dog based on your thoughts on it. I enjoyed the first bowl I had of it.

    Thanks @jfreedy ! I've been wanting a GBD since I first got into pipes, but every GBD pipe I'd bid on would get away from me at the last moment. I debated between that one and a zulu Savinelli that used to be a churchwarden, but the bulldog won out. I definitely recommend the Charles Towne cob, and I'm trying my Markus cob out tonight.
  • piperdavepiperdave Connoisseur
    It was a great show. Had a fun time and got to meet with @thebadgerpiper so I would consider that a success.
  • It was great to meet another ThisPipeLife member in person. I had a good time chatting with @piperdave about pipes and tobacco. While I haven't hung up with McClelland posters you gave me, they're in the garage with me, and I'll find a place for them.
  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    @thebadgerpiper, looks like to did well at the show, great pics. I wish I was there to meet you and hang out with you guys. 
  • @Londy3 Thanks! I'm happy with what I picked from it. There's enough estate pipe treasures there that anyone with any budget can find something. I'll be at the show next year, and if you're ever in the Chicago area, hit me up and we'll do a meet up pipe chat.
  • mseddonmseddon Professor
    I went and had a grand time myself! Here's my haul from just the first day!
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