Government & Political Control Rant

Ok brothers and sisters, I can't remain quiet any longer. If your a sensitive person, leave this post.
I have been watching the government slowly take away our freedoms, doge making us safe, control industry for votes, politicians enter office and leave wealthy, funding worthless programs, ignoring the root of real issues, making horrible agreements for special interest gains, overreaching Constitution rules, protecting illegals and foreign prisoners as citizens while actual citizens are compromised. These people do not have your best interest in mind. I don't care what your political views is. I don't care if your a democrat or republican it's the system that is broken and they want to keep it that way. I am not a party person because I think they are part of the problem. It is very interesting to note, the most liberal states are also broke, have high crime, high murder, high poverty and crappy schools yet the polititans say their programs are working. Why did we release from prison murders of 911? What deal did the government make? I can go on and on and on. So much corruption.
Tobacco Producers Closing
Look, many of you know, I am not a smoker. I never smoked ciagretts nor have I ever liked the smell. I do however enjoy a nice pipe with handcrafted tobacco. To me, it's the total experience that I enjoy. The artisans that carved my pipe, made my tobacco, hand sewn my leather tobacco pouch and how the particular pipe I choose compliments my attire, surroundings and enhances the moment that I am in. I say all of this and only smoke maybe two bowls a week on average. I can only imagine how some of you daily smokers feel hearing about tobacco companies closing down.
The deeming regulations are specifically designed to make it very difficult and expensive for the industry to be in compliance or face consequences. The end goal is exactly what you are seeing happen, tobacco companies closing their doors. Again, this is by design and more will follow.
The same will be true for more gun control. It always starts with a crisis manufactured or otherwise, to raise the issue to public awareness and outrage. This invites the demand for government action, which is what they want. In turn, they respond to "protect the people" and here come more bogus regulations, deals and of course votes for the good of all.
Do I really have to spell it out? Sick twisted people kill other innocent lives. These sick people will use anything as a weapon, pen, van, car, knife, gun, household cleaning chemicals, viruses, box cutter, drugs and more. Notice, the law or regulations mean nothing to these sick people. They will do it anyway as they have for years. Since when does a criminal obey any law to begin with? Isn't that why we call them criminals? Does new gun control mean that they should also raise the age of driving a car to 21 because that is a weapon too? How about joining the military? Should that also mean to raise the age limit to 21 since you joining an organization who's real mission is to defend our country by killing people and breaking things? Do you see a pattern here?
How is the NRA to blame for gun crimes being committed? Should we also blame Ford, GM, Chevy and other car makers for accidents and DUIs that happen everyday? I don't even own a gun yet and I want to become a member out of spite because this issue is way out of control.
I'm not even going to get into any religious aspects of this but they have that covered too. I'm not allowed to be seen practicing or even talk about my Christian beliefs if it comes up without being ridiculed even if a Muslim does. They get away with it and I have to be quiet. Political correctness is evil and people buy into it as the right thing to do.
The point of this rant is something has to be done. The decisions, actions, laws, organization and overall mentality needs to change. We are the People of the Constitution of the United States of America. We have to raise our voice, organize and fix this madness! Do we not have the guts to vocalize the truth? Why are we not standing up to the laws, polititans that are not acting on the people's Interest? Voting is not working folks. That system is broken as well. Besides, I you behave like these politicians do at your job, you'd be fired!
I have been watching the government slowly take away our freedoms, doge making us safe, control industry for votes, politicians enter office and leave wealthy, funding worthless programs, ignoring the root of real issues, making horrible agreements for special interest gains, overreaching Constitution rules, protecting illegals and foreign prisoners as citizens while actual citizens are compromised. These people do not have your best interest in mind. I don't care what your political views is. I don't care if your a democrat or republican it's the system that is broken and they want to keep it that way. I am not a party person because I think they are part of the problem. It is very interesting to note, the most liberal states are also broke, have high crime, high murder, high poverty and crappy schools yet the polititans say their programs are working. Why did we release from prison murders of 911? What deal did the government make? I can go on and on and on. So much corruption.
Tobacco Producers Closing
Look, many of you know, I am not a smoker. I never smoked ciagretts nor have I ever liked the smell. I do however enjoy a nice pipe with handcrafted tobacco. To me, it's the total experience that I enjoy. The artisans that carved my pipe, made my tobacco, hand sewn my leather tobacco pouch and how the particular pipe I choose compliments my attire, surroundings and enhances the moment that I am in. I say all of this and only smoke maybe two bowls a week on average. I can only imagine how some of you daily smokers feel hearing about tobacco companies closing down.
The deeming regulations are specifically designed to make it very difficult and expensive for the industry to be in compliance or face consequences. The end goal is exactly what you are seeing happen, tobacco companies closing their doors. Again, this is by design and more will follow.
The same will be true for more gun control. It always starts with a crisis manufactured or otherwise, to raise the issue to public awareness and outrage. This invites the demand for government action, which is what they want. In turn, they respond to "protect the people" and here come more bogus regulations, deals and of course votes for the good of all.
Do I really have to spell it out? Sick twisted people kill other innocent lives. These sick people will use anything as a weapon, pen, van, car, knife, gun, household cleaning chemicals, viruses, box cutter, drugs and more. Notice, the law or regulations mean nothing to these sick people. They will do it anyway as they have for years. Since when does a criminal obey any law to begin with? Isn't that why we call them criminals? Does new gun control mean that they should also raise the age of driving a car to 21 because that is a weapon too? How about joining the military? Should that also mean to raise the age limit to 21 since you joining an organization who's real mission is to defend our country by killing people and breaking things? Do you see a pattern here?
How is the NRA to blame for gun crimes being committed? Should we also blame Ford, GM, Chevy and other car makers for accidents and DUIs that happen everyday? I don't even own a gun yet and I want to become a member out of spite because this issue is way out of control.
I'm not even going to get into any religious aspects of this but they have that covered too. I'm not allowed to be seen practicing or even talk about my Christian beliefs if it comes up without being ridiculed even if a Muslim does. They get away with it and I have to be quiet. Political correctness is evil and people buy into it as the right thing to do.
The point of this rant is something has to be done. The decisions, actions, laws, organization and overall mentality needs to change. We are the People of the Constitution of the United States of America. We have to raise our voice, organize and fix this madness! Do we not have the guts to vocalize the truth? Why are we not standing up to the laws, polititans that are not acting on the people's Interest? Voting is not working folks. That system is broken as well. Besides, I you behave like these politicians do at your job, you'd be fired!
We are not a "pure" Democracy. If we were the majority would set the rules . We are a Representative Republic where, unfortunately it is not the majority that rules, but where the minority can preside if enough money is thrown at the issue. This is where we are and have been for many years.
Every level of government has worked its' way into the most mundane issues of our daily lives. Everything we do is subject to regulations, licenses, permits, approvals, etc. Why do we need to obey appointed (not elected) officials who then develop programs and regulations that we all must follow or be subject to punishment. Do yourself a favor and research how many "issues" are regulated not by officially enacted laws voted on by our legislators, but are the result of a declaration by some bureau, department, or office that bind us as citizens under the "umbrella" of the relevant level of government.
Finally, look at the prevalence of government corruption.
These are the people who literally run our lives. They have the power to give or take away anything they deem necessary to placate their "feel good" followers. These are the people who want to take our tobacco, guns, and ammunition away.
The question is, being on this "slippery slope" what is going to be next?
And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
36“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’c 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’d 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22
How do you make the connection between the despotic over reaching actions of the FDA and their Deeming fiasco, and we as a society not being "Christian" enough for you?
Furthermore, how do we disagree with a snowflake, an uber left or an outright socialist without them crying Dangerous Talk, Wrong Think or Hate Speech?
And finally, are you one of those agnostic, atheist, non Christian folks that is first to denounce prayer in school or the mention of God in the Pledge of Allegiance, but insist on reminding us of our "Christian Obligations", (all the while ignoring the atrocities committed by the muslim extremists across the world) or are you a Christian who thinks that if we were to take heed of your admonishments, cited above, that all of our problems would go away and fix themselves?
You might do better in discussions with people you disagree with if you don't call them names.
It is perfectly legal for any child who wishes to bow their head in prayer in school to do so. It's not legal for the school officials - the "government" - to require them to do so.
Actually Jud, I thought prayer was not ALLOWED in most if not all schools.......a bizzare interpretation of the "separation of church and state". I could be wrong..................
As for me calling you a name? Is asking if you were an atheist or agnostic name calling? Or do you resent the reference to Uber Left or Socialist?
But, again, nice try to again not answer my question.
For the record Jud, me not agreeing with you or calling you out for blatantly trying to derail a thread does not make me wrong or a name caller.
I do not apologize for being a Christian, White, American Male. I do, however, resent those that insist on doing, along with their shrill voice sycophants that insist on reminding me of (their self perceived/determined) white privilege that I and others supposedly have.
Finally, if you're gonna call out Christians for your perceived un-Christian behavior, what about the muslims and their documented atrocities in the way of pedophilia, homophobia, sexual abuse, discrimination... etc...?
(-10 pts for ending a sentence with a preposition)
That being said, this McClelland situation has me pissed off. Not even as a consumer, I am outraged at the fact America is putting hard working, good folks like the McNiels out of business. I can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a vape(Not our kind of VaPer) smoker in this f’ing town. Who the hell smokes juice anyway? I can do hookah and cigars, but man this crap is over saturated on the market. It sucks. None of these smoke shop owners knows a damn thing and I am sick of it.
@Bonanzadriver,as I pointed out, the OP brought up the subject of not being able to talk about his beliefs. I didn't derail the thread - it was in the thread already.
I never said that you called me names - you mentioned "a snowflake, an uber left or an outright socialist".
I said "some of the people who claim to be followers of the Jewish mystic Reb Yeshua ben Yusef". I didn't make broad generalizations. There are people of any belief system who violate the tenets of those beliefs.
I don't see any point into responding to questions from people who are confrontational.
If calling someone out for being antagonistic makes me confrontational?..... Well then, so be it!
Referring to Jesus as a mystic is marginalizing at best, intentionally provocative and troll like behavior is more like it.
Despite whatever delusional justification you have somehow developed, over these past 8 or so years with Barry in office, the fact remains that there are many of us, in this country and on this site, that are relieved to have someone in office that puts America and more importantly Americans first!
I know that I, and the folks I served with, did not defend our country with the hopes of growing the size and tyranny of our government, especially the un-elected bureaucrats.
The actions of the FDA, and other three letter organizations, that take it upon themselves to Create Regulations, without regard to the U.S. Constitution, is not only illegal, it is dangerous.
I look forward to you "Not Responding" to my comments. Especially given the fact that you still have not answered the questions posed but simply continued your specious narrative.
I know that, but they are typically not given a structured and specific time to pray, or be contemplative, or just honor those who wish to pray. When I went to grade school we actually took turns reading scripture. Anyone who wanted to opt out for any reason was allowed to do so. We also had the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. I certainly do not want to force my beliefs on anyone else, but at the same time I expect everyone else to at least respect my choice to honor my beliefs.
The bottom line in my opinion, myself and all of my friends grew up none the worse for it. We were mostly kids whose fathers fought in WW2 and Korea, who in raising us taught us respect, tolerance, family, religious and community values. A very large percentage of kids like me who graduated high school in the mid to late sixties ended up serving our country in places we could not spell or pronounce, and again many of us were taught respect and values.
Today because of all the Political Correctness, and the incredible swing to Liberalism we have lost what I think is the basic tenants of what we once were. Our government thinks that they take care of, and always knows what is best for us. It was not that way too awful long ago. Government was from the day of our founding responsible for just few very important issues. Today they tell us what tobaccos we can smoke, and what we can and can't do with the leaves we rake from our yards. Think about that.
I sort of apologize for having participated in this conversation, and I now cease my comments, this is a friendly Pipe Smoking Group, not a free for all or a anti government rant site.
If any agency promulgates regulations, it is because Congress has given them the legal authority to do so. It may be that they exceed their authority in some cases. If they do, that matter can easily be handled by legislation. The fact that Congress has not intervened may indicate that they don't feel it necessary.
Now, as a pipe smoker, I don't like these rules, either. But I never mentioned that point at all, did I?
"Referring to Jesus as a mystic is marginalizing at best, intentionally provocative and troll like behavior is more like it."
Huh? I didn't intend that to be an insult at all. I think the good rabbi was a wise and holy man,from whom we can learn much, if we are humble enough to listen to what he has to say. I did quote him - approvingly, I thought. Merriam-Webster's first definition of mystic is mystical - and that word is defined thus: "involving or having the nature of an individual's direct subjective communion with God or ultimate reality." That's the sense in which I used the word. We don't read about Jesus going to services; we read about him going off alone, to pray or to communicate directly with God. It's come to have other meanings, as well, but that is the one I used.
When I was a child, we said the Lord's Prayer in school every day. Now, I grew up a Presbyterian. I was taught to say, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
The town I grew up in had a Methodist college. Methodists say, "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." That's the way we said it in school.
By the time I was in about fifth grade, saying it that way was making me very uncomfortable. My parents and my church were saying one thing; my school was saying something else. I don't remember how I resolved that; I just remember being uncomfortable.
Christians can't all agree how to pray; the schools should not enforce one version over another.
I live in a very diverse metropolitan area. I remember one of my kids showing me the results of a little survey taken in her sixth grade class. There were a wide variety of various Christian beliefs represented; I seem to recall there being a Ba'hai, and a couple of other minority religions.
I don't want the schools - the government - teaching my children about religion at all. It is not their role to teach religion. That is my job, as a parent,along with whatever church I choose to attend. I don't think any child should be required to disengage from a period of required prayer or reading from a holy book if they disagree with that practice;I think it is asking too much of a child.
If my neighbor does not worship the same way that I do, so be it. I respect his right to do so.
Couple of points though....
Stating that the three letter organizations running amuck is done so with Congress' approval is tantamount to saying that, a teenager sneaking out of the house at midnight with the keys to dads Mustang and taking it for a joy ride, was done so with the parents permission!?!?!?
Your suggestion that Congress merely need to Legislate them back in line is either intentionally inaccurate or displays a serious lack of understanding of this. To Legislate, by definition, is to create and enact LAWS!
So according to your casual recommendation, whenever our three & four letter organizations, you know the FDA (deeming a pipe as by definition is now considered to be Tobacco!?!?!?!?), EPA(declaring CO2 is a toxic pollutant), CFPB (determining that high interest loans for credit challanged folks, are too high and move to eliminate the availability of such loans entirely), are granting (deeming) themselves with powers not specifically identified in the U.S. Constitution, they are somehow doing this with the permission of Congress?
There are already plenty of Laws and procedures available to Congress to rectify these issues. Hopefully the current administration will clear the way for such "already available" measures to be utilized.
As to your point about children being allowed to opt out of participating in any particular secular religious practice, I agree completely, and remember very well children doing exactly this back when I was a kid in the 60's even.
(oh, davelax, I look forward to your next "thumbs down")