Mixing pipe tobaccos
I’m browsing pipesandcigars.com and want to get some blending tobaccos. Thinking along the lines of something with Carolina Flake Cut, Long Virginia, Green River Cavendish. I kinda like Perique because of Haunted Bookshop.
Any suggestions would be most helpful
Any suggestions would be most helpful
"Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Blend" created by @ghostsofpompeii
The name is a reference to Sherlock Holmes' landlady. Since Holmes probably smoked a strong English blend naming a sweet aromatic after him would be inappropriate.
The blend consists of Sutliff bulk tobaccos blended together as follows:
The original recipe by @ghostsofpompeii contained, “…a pinch or two of Sutliff Irish Creme." @ghostsofpompeii says its inclusion is optional.
One may substitute Sutliff Private Stock Molto Dolce for the Creme Brûlée, as the two are very similar, with the Molto Dolce being a bit sweeter.
My first step is trying to decide what I want to smoke. A Va/Bur will take different ingredients than an English, so make sure you start with an idea of the final product.
Second, get the straightest version of the ingredients you can. Lane, Peter Stokkebye, Daughters and Ryan, and Mac Baren all have some great straight tobaccos that would be great for blending.
Ghost, you are the TPL blending champ, even if you are not a "master blender"!!!
For Mrs. Hudson's alone you get into heaven......
Breezy Bookshop. Lol.
i got the sweetness smell I was looking for along with the heavy body I like.
The recipe for EGR was first created in 1946 and the blending was done his direct supervision. It was originally manufactured by the Greenfield & Winther company. Sutliff bought the recipe from them and according to a pipe smoking friend of mine who has over 2,000 reviews on tobaccoreviews.com, it is virtually the same as the old blend - maybe just a little sweeter.
According to Paul Creasy, President of Sutliff, "There is no Cavendish or Black cavendish in this tobacco. This blend consists of Burley, Virginia, and a minute amount of Latakia (those are the tiny black flakes).
According to TobaccoReviews.com: "A mild aromatic with a light Burley nuttiness and flavored black cavendish taste. Fruity plum notes are given a slight flavor push from a hint of Latakia, and a very pleasing top note of liquor."
According to P&C: "..... an American English style mixture of Burley, Cavendish and Latakia, with a light, complimentary top note."
Who do you trust?
I got that from a friend who worked with Sutliff about 4 years ago when they decided to make EGR available in 1.5 oz. tins. Apparently there was an issue because the EGR in the 14 or 16 oz. containers didn't taste quite the same as what they put in the 1.5 oz. tins. Sutliff sent him samples to smoke and compare to the original blend to get the flavor right.
As for what is in the blend now? Who knows? Sometimes recipes change.
Trying New Blends: Pipe Tobacco University