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Lamenting An Old Favorite

I am not sure if many of you have heard but the end of McClelland's 5100 Red Cake is upon us.
It is a particularly sad day, not only because it is my favorite every day go to smoke, but it is a component or base blend to many many many house blends at brick and mortar pipe shops.
It is my understanding that the last batch of red Virginia leaf that McClelland received wasn't up to snuff and had to be disposed of.

As I mentioned previously Red Cake has been my daily go to smoke for the past 2 years. It is simple, sweet, and gives me a great smoke time and time again. I most recently went to stock up on some from smokingpipes.com and noticed they had completely removed it from their website. I suppose I now know why that was.  :'(

I didn't simply start this thread though to be gloom and doom. I want to know from you guys what your thoughts are (were?) of McClelland's 5100 Red Cake. Do you have any favorite blends that utilize Red Cake? Do you have any alternatives to Red Cake that you enjoy smoking? 


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