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Pipe Smoking Resolutions for 2018

These are easy pipe smoking resolutions to make and keep. Mainly because the are part of my pipe smoking routine anyway.

1. Smoke at last one bowl a day. 
2. Instead of opening a recently purchased of received tin or pouch of pipe tobacco, open & smoke a blend already in the cellar
3. Run a pipe cleaner though the pipe after smoking. Clean each pipe once a month
4. Don't believe every review I read.
5. Make at least one small purchase a month (a tin of tobacco) from my local pipe shop. (Yes it's more expensive than online but it helps keep them in business and they have a nice smoking lounge.)
6. Don't blow smoke in anyone's face unless they ask for it.
7. Don't get into arguments with anti-smokers about pipe smoking. They tend to ignore the same scientific reports and facts that they use daily.
8. Try a new blend once a month and then jar it for storage.
9. Don't impulse buy a new pipe. Wait, save money and then buy a more expensive pipe.
10. Believe in diversity. Smoke aromatics, Balkans, Burleys, Cavendish, English, Orientals, Scottish, & Virginias (including VaBurs and VaPers)


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