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What to snatch up if you can find it.

I'm been super fortunate to snatch up two 100 gram tins of Frog Morton Across the Pond. I knew to grab these because McClelland no longer makes this tobacco since all Syrian Latakia is now gone. I know Dunhill tobaccos are going away as well. What other tobaccos should be on our list to always buy if we happen to find it somewhere?


  • I have been buying up as much of Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe blend in both bulk an tins.  Have also been squirreling away London Mixture, Standard Mixture, Elizabethan, and some others while they are around.  The way I smoke Dunhill blends, I probably have enough for at least five to ten years as I do not smoke Dunhill as religiously as some pipers.  But when I open a tin, it usually lasts a week or two.  
  • If I can find more I would love to have some gorgorath matured spun Virginia. I called the company and they told me that when my last 2 tins run out I am just out. They quit producing it in 1992 and it was a limited supply then.
  • I freaked out when I noticed East India Trading Company "Officer's Club" was 'Out Of Stock' at all the places where I usually order tobacco. My main 'to go' spot for "Officer's Club" is P&C because their price was $6.99 where all other places wanted an additional three buck - even though they too were 'Out Of Stock'. So today when I got a notice in my email that P&C got a few tins in I ordered an additional 6 tins just in case it disappears again. Usually when P&C or most tobacco shops list an item as 'Back Ordered' it means that they will be re-ordering it. But when you see 'Out Of Stock' it tends to mean they will no longer be stocking the item. I don't know if it was a one time deal - but I got myself as much as I could afford - considering I just received a order a few days ago with about a dozen different tins of tobacco. Also used the UNLOCK15 special offer code for an additional 15% off and free 3 day shipping. That knocked the price of each tin to $5.22. Not bad for a tobacco that retails for $14.99 a tin.     
  • Penzance. (Lots of luck.)
  • Once I found a couple of bulk blends that I enjoy e.g. Lane, my stress level went way down when some specialty blends I smoke were temporily out of stock or became scarce...
  • Amazing: P&C actually notified me that Sunset Rum was back in stock..... two days after I ordered some from Smokingpipes.com.
  • piperdavepiperdave Connoisseur
    edited November 2017
    One blend I try to pick up (when I can find it) is Wilderness by McClelland. This is a great Balkan blend which when made had Syrian Leaf. Legends by McClelland is also a great blend in the same series but it is made with Cyprian leaf instead so I do not think it will be ending any time soon.
  • Macbaren Vintage Syrian, man that's good stuff. Unfortunately it will be discontinued soon once the last of the Syrian leaf is used up.
  • @PappyJoe -- Devious and delightful!!!!
  • Another victim to the FDA is the Peterson Holiday Season blend. I walked into one of the semi-local B&M yesterday and they had two tins of the 2016 left on the shelf. I bought one of them. Looked online this morning and neither of the big online retailers have it.
  • @thewanderingdude- I've been smoking HH VS for quite some time. I've got over three pounds stashed. It is, indeed, excellent, and is still available if you look hard.
  • Another hard one to find is Rattay's Bagpipers Dream.  Basically a Virginia based version of Pembroke with a Cognac finish.   Has become a go to for me and I'm cellaring it whenever I can find some
  • I guess any blend with Syrian Latakia in it will get scarcer and scarcer.
  • I am hesitant to list any hard to find blends, for fear that they may become even harder to find 24 hours after posting this. Here goes.......

    McClelland 3 Oaks Syrian

    MacBaren Vintage Syrian

    McClelland's Christmas Cheer

    McCranies Red Flake and Red Ribbon

    Dunhill Royal Yacht

  • @Woodsman -- Yep, Cyprian Latakia is becoming the new normal.
  • What kind of blows my mind is that lots of dealers are selling Dunhill blends and even MacBaren's Vintage Syrian at the same discounted prices or even on sale. Capitalism isn't supposed to work that way. They ought to be raising the prices to meet demand and anticipated non-supply. But I guess we can all be grateful our suppliers aren't rapacious capitalists.
  • @Woodsman I lucked up and am storing a couple oz of syrian latakia. Gonna use it to blend up some nice english blends.
  • Two others that come to mind, are Butera Pelican, and the even harder to acquire Butera Kingfisher. A tin of Kingfisher with 10 to 20 years of age, could possibly require a substantial percentage of your upcoming income tax return.
  • @xDutchx, did Butera go out of business or something?  Or is he like Esoterica, just releasing in small batches?
  • @mfresa, the Kingfisher is out of production, and the Pelican gets snatched up as quickly as it becomes available. Since Pelican production comes from Germain, you have essentially the same situation that creates Penzance frenzy.

    Butera's Royal Vintage line is tinned by McClelland here in the states, so production isn't as limited, on those offerings.

  • Speaking of McClelland, their Grand Orientals line will eventually go the way of the Dodo bird, due to a limited supply of the Orientals used in those blends.
  • Thanks, @xDutchx, I'll keep those in mind.
  • Newminster Tobaccos are all endangered due to the fact of the company being too new. I've been stocking up with my favorites.
  • @Woodsman - Newminster is owned by Villiger and is produced in the U.S. by Mac Baren since 2012. The brands which are hard to find and/or no longer available in the U.S. are those blended and produced in Europe or the United Kingdom.  
  • Any vintage OTC or premium tobacco no longer in production that I have enjoyed in the past is worth snatching up.  As mentioned various times in past posts, there's a difference between tobaccos that are still in production versus what is out of production.  Examples are the original Prince Albert who went from R.J. Reynolds to John Middleton.  Or Borkum Riff, Sir Walter Raleigh, or even Dunhill.  Or, George Washington or Kentucky Club tobaccos that are no long in production but are just as good today as they once were in their day.  All have changed manufacturers at one point or another or have been dropped from production all together.  I stock up on the tobaccos that I enjoyed through the years whether in taste, room note, or the memories of days long ago.  That to me is what makes a tobacco valuable and memorable.

  • McClelland 5100 Red Cake is Discontinued for the time being 
  • @PappyJoe With the 2007 cutoff of blends, Newminster, created by Peter Stokkeby after the sale of Stokkeby. He did some definite improvements on their line of blends. His Company however is only 1 or 2 years old and supposedly wont survive the "Deeming"
  • @woodsman - My understanding of the situation is that the deadline for the products introduced after 2007 has been extended because of the different court challenges and the pushback by consumers and retailers towards their elected officials.
  • @PappyJoe Good news, I guess the turmoil in all of the government regulars might actually have some small benefit. i know the Cigar Lobby has some success so far but, Pipe Smokers are a very small minority and I don't know if we are tied to them.
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