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Things I Dislike About Pipe Smoking

To read this forum, one might easily conclude that pipe smoking is all fun and games.  I find this not to be the case.  For example, I get absolutely no enjoyment out of cleaning a pipe.  Although I have all the tools I need to complete the job, for me it’s just one huge PIA.

At the moment, I’ve got at least three pipes sitting around, all of which are in need of cleaning.  It’s so much easier to put it off and simply take a fresh pipe out of the rack.  I realize this is self-defeating, as the task of cleaning will be that much bigger once I finally get around to it.  It’s a good thing I only have about a half dozen pipes.  If I had as many as some folks, I’d probably only get around to cleaning them once or twice a year.


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    @Topaz75, I would venture to say that you may be missing out, on some of the best notes your tobacco has to offer, in your reluctance to clean your pipes. I would suggest getting about a third of the way, into a bottle of Ardbeg 10, and try breaking out the pipe cleaners, and the distilled spirit of your choice. I have learned to love the ritual of cleaning my pipes, and the satisfaction of knowing that they are well maintained. When I clean my pipes, it is simple verification that I have smoked them properly, and given them the care and respect that they deserve.
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    Yes, I've found drinking the alcohol (not the isopropyl) used to clean my pipes, helps make the chore of cleaning more fun. Especially when I use overproof rum (Appleton's).
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    I don't mind cleaning my pipes,it's much less aggravating  than lighting up and not getting a clean draw because of an obstruction.As I stated in another forum,I use Listerine mint mouthwash to clean my pipe.What I find aggravating about pipe smoking is the fact I can't smoke it when I want to because of the obvious restrictions.I don't dwell on this fact,I've just adapted.
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    You have to define cleaning better because it means different things to different people.
    I run a pipe cleaner through my pipe as soon as I finish smoking it. This removes any moisture from the stem and shank and keeps the pipe fresher. I also wipe out the bowl with a tissue after each smoke. To me that is cleaning.

    To other people cleaning is doing a salt treatment and scrubbing out the stem and shank with a bristle cleaner and 190 proof alcohol.
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    I'm a 'pipe cleaner after smoking a bowl' kind of guy, for the same reasons Pappy pointed out. I don't leave the pipe cleaner in as I want air to circulate.I do not wipe the bowl. I give the stem and stummel a thorough cleaning when I think it needs it.  The alcohol/salt treatment is only for newly purchased used pipes. (See my latest in the "Pipes" discussion folder.)
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    I tend to follow a similar process as motie2 and depending on the kind of tobacco I am smoking, I may run a pipe-cleaner trough the stem to clear any moisture or tobacco blockage that may occur.  I find the wetter the tobacco, the more moisture occurs.  
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    I too clean after every pipe use. They are always ready to go on demand. However, for the purpose of the thread topic, what I hate about pipe smoking is the bitter stigma that goes with it. Just using the "T" word makes me feel like a criminal or someone who is hooked on a bad habit getting an expensive fix. 

    ...this is not the case. 
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    The only thing I dislike about pipe smoking is on the odd occasion you get a backwash of tobacco juice in your mouth. I do the bulk of smoking outdoors and spend a great deal of time looking up at the skies - especially in the evening. And every once in a while when smoking a straight pipe I'll look upwards and end up with a mouthful of ... I don't even know what to call it other than pipe piss. Another thing I dislike goes hand-in-hand in the current discussion on pipe cleaning - and that's what happens when you don't clean and deodorize your pipe on a regular basis. That God-awful smell coming from your pipe rack, what-ever location it may be. It can turn one section of a room into a real stink hole. Before that happens I'll usually hit the bowls of all my pipes with Decatur Briar Stem Freshener. I find it works as well in the bowl as in the stem.    
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    I clean after each smoke, I wipe out the bowl, run a pipe cleaner with Briar Fresh through and wipe the stem with No-Ox oil, I do a heavy cleaning twice a year.
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    I run pipe cleaners through my pipes after I've finished a bowl, and will leave them in for an hour or so. About twice a year, I'll take a week and go through my pipes and give them a deep clean. To me, it's relaxing to sit out and clean my pipes while listening to music or podcasts.

    For things I dislike about pipe smoking, I'll second some of the suggestions others have mentioned. I hate when tobacco juice runs up from the stem into my mouth. I also don't like the smell of a stinky pipe on my rack, but that's when I know I need to do a deep cleaning.

    Other things I dislike? I'm not a fan of tongue bite. As a fan of spicy food, if I've had a pipe the night before, it increases the heat in an unenjoyable way. I hate knocking over a filled pipe and spilling the tobacco on the table (or worse, the floor). I wish I could enjoy my pipe at more places, but that can't be helped.

    But most of all, I hate reaching the end of a bowl after a good pipe. There's just some things you don't want to end.
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    @pipeman83, so what is no-ox oil?  Assume no oxidation right? What's in it? Where do you get it? Does it work?
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    I just did my first deep cleaning of my pipes, using a method I adopted from a YouTube presenter called Muttnchop Piper.  He's one of the best pipe smoking presenters out there, particularly for newbies and intermediate smokers. He uses a 70%-30% ratio of grain alcohol and Frangelico Hazelnut liqueur, dipping the tip of each pipe cleaner into the solution and scrubbing the stem and the shank, but not the bowl itself. I found the process relaxing though I only smoke about 8 of the 12 pipes I own, so it wasn't much of a chore.  As far as dislikes, I too am a spiller, dumping the ash on my table more often than I care to admit.  I've also sucked in some ash, which is as unpleasant as it gets.
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    @Londy3 I don't know about no ox oil but I use obsidian oil and it works great.
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    The one thing I strongly dislike about pipe smoking is the sour ashy taste once you start getting to the end of the bowl. I don't know what it is but that taste almost always makes me feel nauseous.
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    I have never experienced that sour ashy taste. Are you sure you're not experiencing a bit of the old nicotine? OTOH, maybe try different blends; does it happen no matter what you are smoking?

    Taking a second and third shot at "What I dislike about..... " is that -- and yes, I know about how good a cob can be..... -- I don't have the financial wherewithal to buy the pipes I covet. I mean, there are Carey pipes for well under $100.00 that I would walk on glass for, but SWMBO has me on a very short leash (which, were it real --  as opposed to metaphorical -- would be.....      interesting.      I imagine.)  

    The third thing: SWMBO  won't let me smoke in the house. I used to, back it the day, when pipe smoking was kinda cool and hip. but in a polished way; sophisticated. (Hippies wouldn't smoke our pipes, unless they had no imagination and went all Medico/Grabow/cob, cheap and available in every drugstore. We  smoked GBD's, Savinelli's, Comoy's, etc. and I started with a Kaywoodie, and soon stumbled into a magazine ad for Carey pipes. (I could never talk any of my classmates into sending away $15.00 for one. For me, it became an addiction, and because I had given up pipes altogether in the mid/late 1980's, I didn't know Carey made anything other than an Apple, a Billiard, and a volcano, until Summer of 2016, when I took up the pipe again. Boy have my eyes been opened. But, as usual, I digress. To resume: I used to smoke indoors, but I quit for so long, and then THE LAW banned smoking indoors in public accommodations/places, and thus, when I started pipe smoking again, she said, "No frickin' way." Begging and pleading wasn't going to work so I initially argued that I was smoking delightful aromatics, not the Latakia blends of old. No dice. I love her dearly, but my days of pipe smoking, until Spring, are rushing to a conclusion.  I whine well, don't I?
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    @Londy3, no-ox is the same as Obsidian, just not as expensive, you wipe a small amount on the pipe stem after each smoke and it prevents oxidation, you can get it at P&C, it’s made by Decatur.
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    mseddonmseddon Professor
    I'm intrigued by Obsidian Oil. I admit that I first thought someone had subjected obsidian (the volcanic glass) to intense heat and pressure to produce some kind of antediluvian oil. Alas, just a marketing ploy in the name, but a good one, as obsidian is often jet black (though occasionally with beautiful snowflake or "mahogany" inclusion patterns. Next time I buy from someone who stocks it, I'll pick up one of their lovely cobalt blue jars.
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    @PhilosoPiper The Ash taste is exactly that, at the bottom of the bowl is the plug called the "Dottle" it is the absolute bottom of the bowl that many Pipesters don't smoke as it has accumulated all the tars and residue of the smoke and when you smoke through it it allows ash into the airway.
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    1. Tongue bite
    2. Liquid tar backwash
    3. The tooth brushing after smoking too much
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    We had a thread here on "smoking the dottle".  I think the bottom line was, when the tobacco loses its taste or becomes unpleasant, dump it.
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