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Truth, Lies or Spin?

Londy3Londy3 Master
edited September 2017 in Tobacco Talk
While searching the internet today for tobacco's, I ran across this in a search. Are they really trying to categorize pipe tobacco and its chemical components to be exactly the same as nasty cigarettes? What is going on here? All of these government studies reports and warnings all seem to imply more scare tactics. You know these studies are funded and you know other outside parties are involved and we have to follow the money. I'm not going to spend all afternoon following the money to find out who wanted to make this report. The question is, is pure tobacco that is cured in a barn really as toxic as a cigarette?

"Smoke from pipes and cigars contains the same toxic chemicals as cigarette smoke. The evidence that the increase in cigar and pipe tobacco use is the result of offering cigarette smokers a low-priced alternative product is a particular public health concern, because the morbidity and mortality effects of other forms of combustible tobacco are similar to those of cigarettes."

Source: http://healthland.time.com/2012/08/02/cigarette-smokers-switch-to-cheaper-cigars-and-pipes/


  • @Londy3 - The old adage is you get what you pay for. The party funding the story or report (I didn't waste my time clicking on the link.) got what it was paying for, someone to validate their beliefs.
  • I believe they are speaking of things like Swisher Sweets, Black and Milds, and various over the counter roll your own tobaccos. The article seems to not be really discussing "true" cigars and pipe tobacco. I didn't read the whole thing because I stopped at this paragraph, which tells me all I need to know: "This led tobacco manufacturers to relabel roll-your-own tobacco as pipe tobacco to get around the tax, and to plump up the size of small cigars — which are essentially indistinguishable from cigarettes except for their brown color and varied flavors — to meet the requirements of the large-cigar classification. By avoiding the cigarette tax, the beefier small cigars can sell for as little as 7 cents per cigar, or $1.40 a pack. Compare that to the $4 or $5 it costs per cigarette pack in most states"
  • I know there is a lot of controversy on this. But my question is simple. 
  • Gentlemen

    Is it possible that this angle is being supported by the cigarette manufacturers? Just a theory, but if they can support and convince former cigarette smokers the fact that pipes and cigars are as dangerous to the individual smoker AS cigarettes, perhaps they wish those that switched over from cigarettes will go back to their tobacco usage in the form with which they were once comfortable. I used to smoke Pall Mall unfiltered in my early days, and from a convenience standpoint an argument could be made that they are however more expensive, they could be considered more convenient and fits their lifestyle better (no cleaning, humidification, purchase of accessories,.and availablity on damn near every street corner).

    Perhaps the manufacturers mindset is to assume some smoker converts would deal with the devil they once knew as opposed to the devil they don't know (or like). I think if in fact these folks who have come over to our appreciation of unadulterated tobacco think they are suddenly no worse off for smoking cigarettes, they may go back thus increasing the cigarette manufacturers profits?

    And just a side note. The article cites a rather significant increase in cigar and pipe tobacco usage (of which a good deal of that tobacco I think is in my "cellar) which I am sure makes the government salivate as they see the potential for huge tax levies. So since "we are the government and we are here to help you" invades every issue in our lives, they will tax the crap out of our favorite tobacco products to make up for the loss of the  huge tax revenues derived from cigarettes in an effort to fund many of the ridiculous social programs, social reeducation, and to educate us in our evil suicidal ways.

    Just my $0.02

  • Londy3Londy3 Master
    edited September 2017
    It's all along that line. Studies and reports can always be viewed in favor of who funded the research. That's why everything the govt does is so rediculous. Govt is the biggest waste of tax money, laws and special programs to benefit the health and wellness of it's people. 
    Yeah right
  • Woodsman, the APPLAUSE sign is on......

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